Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2024)

cants pound pound to at pet) carton 6 1 50- by Narrow Price Range Is Seen In Bond List Average at Close Is TwoTenths of Point Under Figures of Saturday Bond averages: 1932, Monday Saturday Week ago Month ago. Year ago 2 years ago 3 years High 1932.. Low 1932.. High 1930.. Low 1931..

High 1930.. Low 1930.. 1932 Statistics Co.) 20 20 60 Rails. Utils. Total.

58.9 76.8 64.5 59.5 76.8 64.7 60.2 76.5 65.2 63.5 77.8 67.6 101.6 100.7 95.5 106.7 99.5 100.1 103.6 97.9 98.5 78.0 85.7 78.1 58.4 76.1 64.1 105.7 101.5 98.7 62.3 80.2 68.5 109.8 101.4 101.9 97.3 96.6 92.6 NEW YORK, May 9. -The bond market traveled an uneven road today with some specialties under pressure and others holding a little better than even. Altogether, it was a comparatively dull session, notwithstanding the fact sales totalled $13,455,000 par value. In the matter of averages, sixty principal loans lost two-tenths of one The twenty selected industrials dropped three-tenths for another 1932 low, the same number of rails gave up six-tenths and twenty utilities closed unchanged. United States Government bonds generally were steady, although most of them ended with fractional declines.

The easing of this list WAS attributed partly to profit-taking. The rails were the weakest members of the listed loans family. Heavlest declines were confined to the convertible and secondary issues. Among the principal losers were some liens of Baltimore and Ohio, Southern Pacific and Southern. Advances were recorded, however, by Chesapeake Corporation 5s.

Pennsylvania general 41e and Wabash first 5s, among others. French bonds were little disturbed by the Sunday election in France, most of them holding steady. Produce Market Quotations From Richmond and Other Cities. Wholesale market prices compiled by Division of Markets, the Virginia Department of Agriculture, co-operating with the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture: RICHMOND PRODUCE MARKET. (Note- Average prices received commission merchants and Jobbers at 10 A.

M. Monday, May 90 Fruits and vegetables- -Receipts liberal and market fully steady. New Florida potatoes, excellent quality, selling barrels $0.50 to 810; Due bampers, $3.50. Sweet potatoes, bushel basket packs, 85 cents to 89 bushel. Old potatoes in 150-pound sacks graded stock at Cabbage in 14 bushel hamper packs (about 50 pounds 81.26 to 81.40 per basket.

Now string beans fancy stock 83 per bushel hamper. Apples, Virwinta stock (out of storage) excellent quality $1.50 to 81.75 per bushel hamper for U. 8. No. 1s and better.

New Argentina grapes in 9 kilos lugs at $3.50 84 per lug (20 pounds net average weight); excellent stock to $5 per standard box bushels, Grapefruits, 83.75 4 Onions. 3.50 003.75 per per sack graded stock. Butter Receipts moderate. Market cent lower. Virginia creamery lots.

packs. lobbing pound, packing stock 10 cents pound. Country butter practically no demand. 124 15c pound. Receipts moderate and market fully steady.

Hennery whites. bulk at 13c; average run bulk at 12c, with small eggs and culls as to qualty. Poultry -Receipts light and market steady. Bulk of Leghorn hens from 11 ta 130 as to weight and quality, Colored hens, bulk 15 to few fancy Rocks held at 17c; broilers 35 to quality, Leghorns and barebacked Reds, 15 to 18c: fairly well feathered and of good weight Reds, 20 to 21 cents, and fancy Rocks quotable to 23c pound. live weights.

Guineas. 45 to 50c each. Hogs -Receipts moderate and market unchanged. Top car lots quotable $3.85 and local receipts around 83.60 on truck lots of choice nearby Virginia hogs Cattle- Receipts moderate and market unchanged at steady prices. Vealers extreme top practical top at $6: COWS 81.50 to $2.50 on low grades And to 64 top on strictly choice.

Steers, $3.50 to $5.50 on common and mediums and to 80.75 quotable top on strictly choice. Hetters, 83.60 to $6. Bulls from $2.50 to $3 on bologna kinds at $4 on strictly choice yuong and fat. Sheep--Receipts fairly liberal and market steady. Spring lambs $6 to ewes to $3.25.

OTHER WHOLESALE MARKETS. Butter. New York City- Receipts, 8.820 tubs. Market weak and 1 cent lower: 500 tuba extras sold at 19c: one sale 50 tubs 90 score at 181 cents: 93 score sold at 21 cents. Chicago Receipts moderate and market steady and unchanged: 60 tubs extras sold at 171 cents.

Standards offered 171017je; bids at 16, 0 Philadelphia Receipts moderate and market steady at cent lower: 92 score quotation at 20c. EggN. New York City- Receipts eggs, 20. 801 cases. Market about steady on top grades.

Prices unchanged. Dirty eggs sold at 18 car standards 17 (bids at 13jc. Car standards offered 174c: bid 15c. Bids of 13 made for cars of rehandled receipts. A.

C. white specials quotable 17 to 19 0. Chicago- -Receipts moderate and market easy to lower: 2 sales 399 cases dirties at 101c. Checks sold at 10 and firsts offered 131 4 15c. bids to 12ge.

Current receipts, 12 0 12 bid 111c. Philadelphia- Receipts. 5.913 cases. Market firm. Offerings none, Quotaions extra firsts 171c; firsts.

new cases. 151c; old cases seconds. 12 124e. Poultry. New York City- Receipts moderate, with a heavy "carry-over" from last week.

Market around steady and prices quoted as unchanged. Leghorn hens, 14 to 16c; colored hens. 16 to 18c; broilers as to size, samli broilere. 15 to 18c and large broilers 20 tO 210 pound live weights. Hogs.

Baltimore- Receipts, 2,500 Market slightly higher. Top at $4.45 paid for medium and light weights. Heavy hogs. $3.25 to $3.90 and sows from $2.25 to $3.15. Lancaster -Receipts, 775.

Market fully steady, with top at 85 on medium and light weights Jersey City- -Receipts all consigned directly to the packers. Chicago Receipts. 33,000. Market opened 10c lower and closed 5e lower Top at 83.80 paid for medium and ligh weights. Heavy hogs to $3.60 and sows from $2.75 to $3.20.

Cattle. Baltimore- -Receipts, 400 cattle and 200 calves. Due to light run market 15 steady, with vealers 50c higher, with top at cattle unchanged steers, $3.50 to $6.75: heifers. $3.50 86. Cows, $1.50 to $4 and bulls $2.50 to $4.

Lancaster- -Receipts, 425 cattle and 250 calves. Market steady. Top fond steers at uext best load $6.75 and bulk $5.50 to $8.25. Veal steady 0 strong; top some held higher. Jersey City Receipts light.

with scarce run on steers, Best lead $6.60 for mediums. balance run. com 83.50 downward. Veal top at. $7.50, with, medium grades DO 2 5 1 3 7 1 1 3 Chile.

1 New York Bond Market 3 13 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 291 4 1st 45 90.1 651 653 654 31 Mo Pac cyt 54s 49. 11 10. 10 1 Mo Pac rig 55 65 A. 32 32 32 14 Mo Pac 5s 77 F. 32 31 31 23 Mo Pac gen 4s 75..

13 121 123 12 Mo Pac 5s 80 314 304 30 2 Mo Pac 1st 5s 81... 83 82 82 2 Mob-Oh 55 38.... 13 12, 13 1-Mont Pw rig 5543 A 89 83 83 1 Murray Body 70 70 70 12 Nass El con 4551 stpl 45 45 45 1 Natl Acme 65. 42. 58 58 58 153 Nat Dairy 51s 48.

843 79 803 5 Nat Rad 47.. 14 14 14 15 Natl Steel 5s 56.. 69 68 68 1 New Eng T-T 5s 52. 103 1031 15 T-T gen 98 98 98 1 NJ Pow-Lt 418 60.. 81 81 81 8 NOPuSv 55 ctf 52 A 64 614 614 3 NOPuSv 5s 55 63 63 63 12 NYC deb 65 35..

68 651 66 6 NYC rf-imp 5s 2013 514 50 513 25 NYC-HR ri 4.2013A 471 47 47 6 NYC-HR deb 4s 34. 71 691 71 14 NYC-HR r-1 412013 47 46 461 1 NYC-HR rig 345 97. 74 74 74 5 NY Chi-StL 68 32.. 32 301 301 2 NY Ch-StL 51574 A 222 22: 221 17 NY Ch-StL 4,578 191 18 18 2 NY Dock Co 5s 38.. 36 36 36 1 NY Edis rig 616 41.

1091 109 1091 1 NY Edis 58 44. 103 103 103 11 NYGEIH-P pm 4549 94 94 94 7 NYNH-H cv db 6548 78 77 77 1 NYNH-H deb 31s 56 451 451 451 6 NY O- rig 45 92.. 58 513 52 1 NY Ry inc 68 65... 2 2 2 5 NY Steam 68 47.... 104 1031 1031 5 NY Steam 5s 51....

95 95 28 NY Tel gen 41s 39. 1001 100 100 NY W-Bost 41s 46. 48 48 48 2 Norf-West con 48 96 891 89 89 8 Nor Am Co 58 61... 75 74 74. 2 Nor Am Ed 51s 63..

76 76 76 3 Nor Am Ed 5s 57 A. 731 73 73 9 Nor Am Ed 5s 69 C. 73 70 731 1 Ohio T-L 68 47 A 95 95 95 20 Nor Pac 6s 2047 B. 69 67 67 2 Nor Pac pr In 48 97 77 771 77 1 Nor Pac gen 3s 2047 56. 56 56.

1 Nor StatePw 5841 A 961 96 -0- 72 72 72 -P- 15 Pac Gas-Elec 5s 42. 1014 101 101 5 Pac Pub Ser 58 36.. 86 854 85 6 Pac T-T 58 37.. 1021 102 1024 2 Pac T-T rig 55 52. 102 102 102 5 Para-Fam-Lask 6:47 26 251 251 34 Para Publix 515 50.

23 20 23 21 Pann P-Lt 445 81.. 841 83 831 6 PennRR gold 61s 36 961 961 961 3 PennRR gen 55 68 79 781 79 2 PennRR 415 63 641 64 641 1 PennRR con 41s 60 951 95 95 6 PennRR gen 41s 65. 701 70 70 1 PennRR gen 69 691 69 4 PennRR 418 70 53 52. 53 2 Pere Marq 5s 56. 50 50 50 6 Phil Elec 415 67...

981 984 983 9 Phil Elec 71. 91 901 5 Phil C-I 68 49... 39 39 39 25 Ph-R C-I 58 73 60 60 60 1 Philip Ry 48 37. 18 181 181 3 Phillips Pet 518 39, 541 541 54 1 Pills FI Mills 6s 43. 961 961 961 33 Gen El 60 501 49 49 8 Postal Tel-C 5s 53.

211 201 201 5 Pub Ser El -G 418 67 98 98 98 17 Pub Ser El-G 70 981 98 98 1 Pub Ser El-G 45 71. 901 907 901 5 Pure 011 548 37 75 75 75 1 Pure Oil 5 8 40 69 09 69 1 Purity Bak 55 48.. 1 58 58 58 38 Rem Arms st 6837A 76 8 Rem Ran 54s 47 ww 401 2 Roch G-E 545 48.. 8883 95 2R I Ark-Lt 4 34. 40 F989 102 SLIM-S48R-G div 33 52 52 52 2 St 8 56 50 B.

22 22 22 46 St 4 78 141 134 13 14 StLSF 45 50 A 19 18 18. 53 St con 48 32 61 591 60 2 St P-K Li 4141 35 35 35 4 St Un Dep 58 96 96 p6 2 Schulco 61 etf 46 A 38 38 38 Scioto V-N 45 89 80 80 80 Seab A con 45 Seab A 68 45. ctia 0 1 Sen- A 35 Acti 4 Sharon St 5 48, 32 32 32 8 Shell Line 5s 52. 674. 681 66 50 Shell Un 5s 47.

64 63 63 37 Shell Un 5s 49 64 64 64 23 Sine Oil col 7s 37 861 861 861 25 Sine Con Oil 6js 38, 84 841 84 14 Sine Cr Oil 518 38. 99. 981,981 11 Sine Line 55 42. 951 95 95 4 Skelly Oil 548 39 581 581 581 5 Solvay Am 58 42. 67 66 66 13 So Bell I-T 102 102 1 44 Sou Pac 41s 81 42 41 42 17 Sou Pac 69 ww 42 42 Sou Pac rig 49 55.

70 701 70 6 Sou Pac col tr 45 49 47 47 1 Sou Fr 48 50. 70 70 70 3 Sou Ry gen 61s 56. 33 31 311 2 South gen 68 56 31 31 31 1 251 South gen 48 56 251 951 2 Bell Tel 55 54. 102. 102 102 22 St Oil deb 58 46 1011 101 8 Stev Hotel 65 45 15 15 15 1 Syracuse Lt 55 51.: 103 103 103 1 Tenn Cen 6s 47 25 25 25 21 TennElP rig 68 47 A 95 94 95 1 TRRA of 90 90 90 4 Tex Ft 50 A 62 62 62 22 Tex Corp 58 crt 44.

77 761 761 1 Tex-P 1st 5s 2000. 83 83 83 13 Third Avt adj 55 60 30 293 37 TobPr of N361 2022 891 881 89 3 Truax Coal 61543 20 20 20 2 Trumbull 40. 521 52 52 2 Un El Lt-P 58 54. 1001 100 14 Un El Lt 58 32 100 100 100 9 Un 0" Cal 58 35 96 96. 961 2Un 0 5545rets ww 74 74 1 Un Pac 1st 2008 901 90 5 Un Pac 1st 45.

47 901 90. 90 12 Un Pac gold 45 68. 69. 68 68 8 Un Big of Am 68 42 96 96 96 47 Un Drug Del 58 53. 701.

67 677 18.0 0 Rub 55 047 351 35 351 13 Utah It- Tr. 58 44 64 63 63 6 Utah Pow-Lt 5s 44. 74 781 734 22 Util Pow 518 47. 23 21 22 16 Util P-Lt 5s 59 ww 23 281 14 Vanadium 55 37 35 361 3 Vert Sug 75 42 1 Va El-P 518 42 941 943 3 Va Ry-Pow 58 34 991 991 991 I Wabash rig 51s 75. 6 3 Wab Ist 39.

64 64 64 Wabash 5s 76 6 1 Walworth 65 45. 12. 36 Warner Bro 181 16 16 2 Warn Quinlan 39 19 180 183 2 Warren Bro cv 68 2911 20 29 Western Else 44 961 961 961 2 West Md 48 52. 441 44 44 5 WNY 1st 6537 931 931 93 20 Weat Pac let 58 46. 30 291 301 West PenPw 5546 A 101.

101 101 West PenPw 101 101 101 11 West Union 61s 36. 61 59 61 3 West Union 58 51. 531 53 531 1 West UnREst 41s 50 56 56 56. 6 West Union 55 60. 42.

42 421 5 Wheel Stl 518 48 A. 45 45 45 3 Wh EagleO 5137 ww 1 Engstwn S-T 55 78. 53 53 53 8 Yngstwn S-T 5870 54 54 54 FOREIGN BONDS. (Sales in $1.000.1 C1. 9 -P 58.

53. 30 29 29 3 Agri Bank Col 6s 48 324 5 Akershus 58 63. 56 56 56 8 Antioquia 78 45 20 55 1 Antloq 1st 7s 57. 0. 6 3 Antiog 3d 78 57.

6 1 Antwerp 55 58. 69 69 69. 13 Argentine 65 57 A. 47 9 Arg 6s 58 B. 47 Arg 68 st 59 Jun.

478 3 Arg st 6s 1960 May. 47 4 Arg 68 1960 48 8 Arg 68 1960 Oct. 48 1 Arg 68 1961 Feb. 47 3 Arg 68 1961 May 47 471 7 Arg 5s 1945. 59 59 59 8 Australia 5s 55.

58. 581 58 20 Australia 57. 5811 58 58 71 Australia 41s 56. 56 54 541 2 Austria std 78 43 80 80 80 1 Austria 75 57 etfs. 301 304 801 4 Batavian Pet 42 74 74 74 2 Bavaria 61s 45.

20 29 29 7 Belgium 7s 55. 941 931 94 11 Belgium 78 56. 951 941 95 5 Belglum 61s 49 91 01 91 8 Belgium 68 55. 841 84 841 5 Berlin City 64s 50. 181 18 18 10 Berlin City 65 58.

18 18 18 3 Berlin City El 61551 12 Bertin City El 61:59 25 8 Berlin Citv. El 6555. 22 22 4 Berlin El Elev 61556 271 27 971 20 Bordeaux 6s: 34. 104 1038 1034 4 Brazil 88 41. 19 19 19 1 Brazil 618 26-57.

153 151 15 3 Brazil 6 27-57 143 14 14 25 Bremer 35 38 381 38. 5 Brisbane 55 57, 401 401 40 1 Brisbane 68.50 47 47 47 107 British 5's 37.. 102 4 Budapest 68 27-62. 16 10 16 11 Buenos A 69 61. 25 251 2 Bulgaria 7s 67..

13 13 13 1 Caldas 718 46. 10 10 10 10 Canada 55 931 95 95 19 Cannda 94 11 Canada 48 60. 78 781 781 2 Cauca Val 71s 46. 12 12 Chile Bk. 61s 611 25 25 25 4 Chile Me Bk 615 571 61 3 Chile Mg Bk 65 61.

6 6. 1 35 151 oil large, per per Richmond Times-Dispatch: Tuesday, May 10, 1932 Fifteen Blanton Joins Fenner. Beane, Local Brokers Will Serve as Co-Manager With J. P. Winfree: Is Widely Known in City Lindsay Blanton, who recently resigned his connection as a member of the brokerage firm of Bryan, Kemp and Company, has become associated with the local offices of Fenner, Beane and Ungerlieder at 920 East Main Street.

He assumed his new duties yesterday. Mr. Blanton will serve as co-manager with J. P. Winfree, who has headed the local Fenner and Beane brokerage organization for the past several years.

For eight years Mr. Blanton was associated with the firm of Bryan and Kemp, having been a member of the firm for four years until he recently resigned his connection with that company. He is widely known in Richmond business and financial circles. The Wall Street Journal ticker carries the following item of interest to holders of Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company stock. basis of conversion price of 43.97 the purchaser of a Chesapeake Corporation 5 per cent convertible collateral trust bond will have the right to convert this bond after May 16 into 227-10 shares of Chesapeake and Ohio stock.

The Chesapeake Corporatio bonds currently are selling at around 45. purchaser of a bond at the current price would have a profit when C. 0. stock sold above 20. The bonds are secured by the pledge of 2,449,300 shares of C.

O. stock or roughly 55 3-10 shares of C. O. stock under each bond currently outstanding. At 16 for C.

0. the market value of the collateral pledged under each bond is roughly $880." The Chesapeake Corporation con- trois the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company. Debits to individal accounts in the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond area for the week ending May 4 amounted to $233,098,000 as compared with $186,639.000 for the week ending April 27, it was announced yesterday by the Federal Reserve Board. The increase was due partly to first of the month payments and collections. Checks drawn against individual accounts in Richmond City for the week May 4 totaled $27.118.000 as compared with $23,799,000 for the previous week.

Impressive changes for the better in banking conditions are pictured in a report of the economic policy commission of the American Bankers Association just issued. outlining the course of events that have reduced bank suspensions from 522 in October to only 45 in March, with returns running into April indicating A period in which more banks were being reopened than closed. The report, made public by R. S. Hecht, president of the Hibernia Bank and Trust Company of New Orleans, chairman of the commission.

declares that it is confident these improvements will continue. BALTIMORE MARKETS. Fruit. BALTIMORE. May 9 -Apples: Bushel baskets, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, d.

24 inch up Staymans, 1.80-1.75: 18-Inch up, Yorks. S. 15. inch up. 1.25-1.50: 3-inch up, 1.25- 1.50; Delicious.

U. S. 1s. 2 inch up. 1.50-1.75: 3-inch up.

1.60-1.75: Twigs U. S. Is, 21 inch up, 1.25-1.50; 3-Inch up, various varie: ties, unclassi ed. 21 Inch up. 75c- 1.25; asty, 40-50: barrels.

Virginia and West Virginia 8. 1s. 24 Yorks, 3.50-60; boxes. Washington extra fancy winesaps. Vegetables, Potatoes: Old stock.

Maine, 100- pound sacks, Mountains, U. S. 1s. 1.05-1.10: 100-pound sacks. whites, U.

S. 15. 90-95: Maryland and Pennsylvania 100-pound sacqs round whites. U. 80-90: new stock.

Florida barrels, Spaulding Rose, U. S. 18. 8.50-8.75: U. S.

25. 4.50. Sweet potatoes: Eastern Shore of Virginia, Darrels, Jersey type. U. 1.25-1.50:4 ungraded.

barwhite vams. U. S. 15. 1.25-1.50: ungraded.

11.15: Eastern Shore of Maryland, bushel hampers. type. U. S. 1s.

50-65: few fine quality Jersey higher: ungraded. 35-40c: white yams, U. S. 1s, 40-50; ungraded 25-35. Poultry and Eggs.

Eggs, 124 Chickens, old. heavy, 15-16; medium, 14-15; Leghorns and other light stock, 12-14: chickens, young, colored, las to size, 23-25; broilers, 22-28; Leghorns, as to size, 19-20. Ducks young white, ekins, pounds and over 16-18c: Muscovy, pounds and over. 16-18. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Etc.

Black sea bass, large per pound. 8c: mixed. per box. 84-5. Blue Ash.

per pound. 10-12c: small to mepound. 6-8c. Buttsa sh. large, pound pound, 7-8c: per box, $5-6.

Carp, large, per pound. medium, per pound. 4-50. Cat Ash. white, per pound.

3e; black per pound. 3c. Crocus, large, per box 84-5: per pound. 3-4c: per barrel, $3-4. Eels, large, per pound.

6-8c; medium. per pound. 3-4c. Flounders, large. per pound.

4-5c: small to medium. per pound. 2-3c. Herring, per pound, 1c. Mackerel, Boston, per pound.

8-12c. Perch, vellow culls, per pound. 8-10c medium, per pound. 20 4c; white culls, per pound. 8-10c: do.

medium. per pound. 2-4c. Pike. native, per pound.

20-22c. Porgies, large, per box, $5. Rock. large, per pound. 12- 35c, medium, per pound.

20-25e: do. pan. per pound. 20-25c. Shad, North Carolina, per pound, roe, 10- bucks.

5-8c. Chesapeake Bay. roe. per pound, 12c; bucks, per pound, 5- 6c. Trout.

salmon. per pound, 6-8c: STAY trout. large, per pound. large, per box. $4-5; gray, large, North Carolina and Virginia, per 100-pound box, Frogs, per dozen.

jumbos, medium (2 for 1), 75- Clams. large, per 100. 75-850: small to medium. per 100, 40-65c. Hard crabs, prime male, per barrel, mixed, Soft crabs.

per dozen, Jumbos. 90c-81, prime. 60- 75; medium, 40-50c. Grain. BALTIMORE, May No.

2 red winter garlicky domestic Ispot and May. 567 asked. Small Frederick County Bank Suspends Operations to The WINCHESTER, May 9 The People's Bank at Stephens City suspended operations today, and two representatives of the State banking department took charge. A statement by John A. Hinkle.

president, said: "Due to a decline in values of real estate, losses of the directors of this bank that its operations should be suspended and conserved for the benefit of its depositors and stockholders. "He expressed a hope for "possible reorganization." The bank's capital stock was $30,000. Deposits had declined to less than $150,000. Assets were listed at $220.000, of which some may not be collected. Earnings were said to be below current expenses.

Winchester banks offered aid, but the Stephens City Bank was unable to furnish reasonable security, and also could not guarantee its business would continue if loans were forthcoming. POULTRY MARKETS. WASHINGTON, May Poultry, live: Turkeys, young hens, 18: toms, 16: old toms. 12: crooked breasts, 12; spring broilers, colored, 14 to 2 pounds, 20; Plymouth 2 pounds, 23; Plymouth Rocks, 2 to pounds, Plymouth Rocks, 21 00 pounds and over. 25; Leghorns 2 pounds and over.

19; hens, medium. 14-15; large, 14-15: Leghorn hens. 13: roosters, 10; keats. young, 40-50; old, 30-40; winter chickens, 18-20; stags, 12. Dressed: Turkeys, young hens, 21; young toms, 18; old.

15; crooked breasts, 15; spring broilers, to 2 23; Plymouth Rocks, 2 to 24 pounds, 26; Plymouth Rocks, 3 pounds and over, 28; Leghorn broilers, 21 pounds and over, 22; hens, medium, 17-18; large, 17-18; Leghorn hens, 15-18: roosters, 13: keats, young 60-70; old 30-40; winter chickens, 21- 23; stags, 15. PHILADELPHIA, May 9 Live poultry: Fowls, Plymouth Rocks, fancy. 14-15: ordinary, 10-13: broilers, fancy, Plymouth Rocks, large sized, full feathered, 24-25: small sized, 21-23; bare backs and poor quality broilers, fancy. Red. large sized.

full feathered. 21-22: small sized, 19-20; brollers, white Leghorns, fancy full feathered, 10-18: barebacks and poor quality old roosters. mixed colors, 10: white Leghorns, ducks, white Pekins, large, young, 15; mixed colors, old. 11-13; muscovy. 15.

Dressed poultry: Fofls, fresh killed In boxes, 17-21; old roosters. dry picked, Western, 10-12: ducks, Long Island. 17: chickens. frozen. 25-27: broilers, 20-23: Pacific Coast broilers.

fancy frozen, 21-23. NEW YORK. May Dressed poultry steady Chickens, frozen, 15- 27: fowls, fresh or frozen, 14-20: roosters, fresh, 8-10; turkeys, frozen, old 18-30; ducks. fresh or frozen. 15.

Live poultry steady: broilers, by freight. 16-19; expuress, 15 to 25: fowls, freight. 17-18: express. 17-18: roosters, freight. 10: express, 12: turkeys, freight.

15-20; express, 16-25. Ducks, freight, 8-10; express 110- quoted. DRY GOODS. NEW YORK. May 9-P-Cotton goods opened fairly steady in the gray goods division.

with the demand showing a little more breadth. Finished goods were called for Fin goods were called for in small lots for prompt shipment. Wool goods were in light demand at the opening producers are making more vigorous efforts to extend the quality control plan to avoid debasing of cloth constructins. Silks were quiet and prices still Irregular. Burlaps shwed little change, INVESTMENT TRUSTS.

NEW YORK. May -Investment trust securities (over the counter market); Bid. Asked. Am Comp Tr shrs. 21 Basic Industry Cumulative Tr Sh 21 Corporate Trust 1.55 Corporate Trust ac 1.50 1.65 Corporate Trust A 1.50 1.65 Diversified Tr Diversified Tr .1.85 2 Diversified 08: Inv con Equity Tr shrs.

1.95 2.20 Gude Winmill 25 Independ Tr shrs, 1.45 1.70 Major Corp shrs, Nation Wide Sec. Bk Tr shrs. 3. Repres Tr shrs 5.32 5.91 Spencer Trask Fund 91 101 Stand Am Tr shrs. 2.35 Elec Lt-Pow 13 15 Elec Lt-Pow 0.0 Universal Tr sh Wage Cut Is Announced.

BIRMINGHAM. May -Gull States Steel Corporation today announced reductions in wages and salaries ranging from 10 to 25 per cent, effective as of May 1. The announcement said the average cut was 15 per cent and that the largest reductions affected salaried employees. Junior Market Holds Steady, Trade Inactive Absence of Selling Pressure Prevents Decline in Day of Small Sales NEW YORK, May 9-(P)-The curb was inactive today and in the absence of selling pressure prices held about steady. In view of the small turnover.

approximating only 100,000 shares, traders felt recent gains probably had not been fully tested, but were nevertheless pleased by absence of offerings. A few stocks worked lower. Humble Oil sagged 13-4 on a single transaction toward the close, otherwise oils were steady. Electric Bond and Share met good support, ruling at or above Saturday's final quotation and showing a small net gain. One of the thin spots was Northern Indiana Public Service per cent 7 preferred which tumbled 10 points in one of its infrequent appearances on the tape.

Charlottesville Club Holds Annual Election to The CHARLOTTESVILLE, May 9 -Miss Mary Louise Dinwiddie. assistant librarian at the University of Virginia, has been elected president of the Charlottesville Business and Professional Club. one of the most active in the State. Other officers chosen for the ensuing vear are: First vice-president. Miss Cyrie Higginbotham; second vice-president, Miss Ashley Davis: recording secretary, Mrs.

Carrie Rodes; corresponding secretary, Miss Elizabeth Atkins: treasurer. Miss Velora Carver. The following delegates and alternates have been elected to attend the State convention of the federation, to be held in Suffolk May 24: Delegates--Mesdames Lois Wilson Brown and Catherine J. Dame and Misses Mary Dinwiddie, Marjorel Huffman, Isabella Burnet and Hallie Pugh. Alternates- Mrs.

Norma Williams, Miss Webb Brown. Miss Lila Hull, Mrs. Roser Eastham, Miss Velora Carver and Miss Ruth Burruss. Student From Peola Mills Wins Office at University Special to The CHARLOTTESVILLE. May 9 -W.

L. Kilby of Peola Mills, has been elected president of the medical school at the University of Virginia, In the regular balloting held the middle of the last week, neither, of the three candidates for president received sufficient votes to win the honor. John E. Dees of Lake Charles, who was the third man, was eliminated. having received the lowest vote.

The other candidate was Harry F. Flippin, son of Dr. J. C. Flippin, dean of the university medical school, and 8 track star at the university for several vears past.

In the run-off vote the balloting stood: Kilby, 119; Flippin, 94. Other officers of the class are: Vice-president. Randolph B. Turnbull of Lawrenceville. secretary.

William B. Hill of Chicago; treasurer, M. G. Ritter of Elkins. W.

Va Names Reunion Aides. LYNCHBURG, May 9-R. G. wood, brigadier-general in charge of the second brigade, Virginia division, U. C.

V. has named the followng aides for the reunion to be held in Richmond June matron of honor. Mrs. J. E.

Taylor: sponsor, Mrs. J. Malcolm Peak: chaperon, Mrs. Fred W. McWane.

and maids of honor, Misses Betty W. Scott and Mary Sheffey Peters. All are residents of Lynchburg. Mothersills STOPS TRAVEL SICKNESS bu SEASICK SEA. AIR and TRAIN Have You Made Your Tax Returns for 1932? HE Virginia State Tax Laws require each individual to make his or her declaration for assessment of the following taxes: State and City Poll Taxes State and City Tangible and Intangible Personal Property Taxes State Income Taxes Last Day to Avoid Penalty, June 1st It will be the pleasure of this office to furnish any tax information that may be desired, and assist taxpayers in preparing their returns.

JOHN E. ROSE, Jr. Commissioner of Revenue ROOM 106. CITY HALL South Richmond Office: Hustings Court, Part 11. 22 Marseilles 65 34 104 (103 1031 14 Med Munic 615 54 111 101 113 2 Met Wat 518 50 407.

40 401 9 Miag 7s 56 54 50 52 21 Milan City 61s 52. 64 63 63 2 Mont M-A 78 37 ww. 79 79 79 33 New Sou Wal 5s 57. 50 4911 491 7 New Sou Wal 58. 58.

50 50 50 3 Nord Ry st 615 50. 1041 1041 1041 Nor Ger Llovd 68 47 201 201 20 Norway 65 52 76 75 76 3 Norway 66 44 76 76 76 2 Norway 65 43 76 751 761 2 Norway 5js 65 721 721 11 Norway 55. 63 72 71 72 1 6 Norweg 51s 57 531 52 52 13 Chile Mg Bk 6s 62, 35 9 9 2 Chile 75 42 00 8. 2 Chile 6s 60 E- 6. 2 Chile 6s 61 6 13 Chile 6s 63 6 6 6.

2 Chris (Oslo) 6s 54.. 71 70 71 47 Colombia 6s 61 Jan. 201 20 66 Colm 61. 201 10 20 7 Colm Mg Bk 61s 47 22 21 22 4 Copenhag 5s 52. 631 63 63 8 Copenhag 418 53.

60 60 60 1 Cordoba City 78 57. 18. 18. 18 1 Cordoba 7:37 ctfs 38, 38 38 7 Costa Rica 7s 51.. 351 35 35 4 54s 53.

733 731 73. 20 Cuba 51s 45. 38 37. 371 3 Czecho 8s 51. 89 89 89 -D- 1 Denmark 54s 55..

691 691 691 2 Denmark 4,9 62. 59 59 59 30 Deutsche Bk 65 32. 65 65. 65 6 Dresd sf 7s 45... 35 35 35 7 Duke PricePow 6966 57 57 57 2 Indies sig 68 62 831 832 831 2 Indies 6s 47..

881 88 88, -E 8 El Pow Ger 6,5 50. 243 24 241 2 El Pow Ger 618 53.. 24 24 24 2 Estonia Rep 7s 67.. 37 37 37 -F- 14 Fiat 7s 46. 818 81 81 8 Finland 6 56..

48 48 481 6 Finland 51s 58.. 48 471 48 6 Fin Mun 61s 54 A 481 48 481 2 Fram I Dev 74s 42. 861 86. 86 1 Frankfort 63s 53... 18 18 48 French 743 41...

122. 121 122 32 French 75 49. 1161 116 1168 -G- 6 Gelsenkirchen 6s 34 28 275 48 A 7s 50... 25 26 26 54 Ger 6:38 Apr 27. 261 264 4 Ger A 6560July 25 25 26 73 Ger A 6560 Oct, 26 241 26 Ger A Loan 61558 16 16 16 123 Ger Gov Intl 65 35.

341 35 88 Ger Rep 78 49. 581 574 571 5 Ger Gen El 75 45. 39 39 39 6 Ger Gen El 6s 48, 181 271 28. 25 Gt ConElPJap 48 46 461 3' Gt ConElPJap 39 38 38 2 Greek 69 68... 14 14 14 -H- 12 Hamburg St 6s 46..

214 211 2 Harpen Mn 6549 ww 24 24 24 1 Ilseder Steel 65 48. 251 25 251 3 Ital Pub Util 78 52. 71 714 Italy 15 1951.. 84 83 84. 10 Japan 54 681 681 681 12 Japan 545 65 571 57 57 5 Jugoslav Bk 78 57.

34 331 34 3 Karstadt 65 43 131 137 13 51 Kreug-Toll 58 59 9. 9 1 Letpzig sig 7s 47 23 23 23 2 Lomb El 78 52.. 651 651 651 20 Lyons 68 34 104 1031 1034 12 Ont Pow -S 51s 50 54 50 521 2 Orient Ltd 6s 53 534 53 531 6 Orient Ltd 5,8 58 50 30 50 -P- 21 Par-Ly Med 78 58 1041 38 Par-Ly Med 65 58. 101 101 101 4 Par-Orl 5js 68 99 99 9911 2 Peru 59 4 2 Peru 1st 68 60 3 3 Peru 2nd 6.8 1961. 46 Poland 85 50 502.

49 50 113 Poland 78 47 471 46 461 4 Poland 6: 40 55 54 54 2 Prussia 65 52 22 22 22 2 Prussia 51 24 24 24 -R- 4 Rhinelbe 7s 46 23 21 23 15 Rh-Ruhr Wat 68 53 15 4 Rhine Westph 7s 50 30 301 30. 6 Rhine Westph 68 52 26. 26 26 11 Rhine West 68 53.. 231 221 23 9 Rh West 6s 55 ww 28 23 234 4 Rio de Jan 88 46. 00 8 8 4 Rio Gr do Sul 68 68 00 00 8 26 Rome 645 52 65.

64 64 25 Royal Dutch 69. 684 681 1 Sa0 Paulo 615 57. 10 10 10 4 Sao Paulo St 89 50. 11 11 1 Sao Paulo St 85 36. 311 314 1 Sao Paulo St 78 56 5 Sa0 Paulo St TA 40.

57 18 SAx Wk: 43 22 3 Sax Pub Wks 51 167 161 167 11 Sax St Ta 45 391 39 39. 8 Sax St I 618 46. 371 37 871 11 Serbs 51 88 62 381 37 38 50 Serbs Cts SI 78 62. 35. 34 351 3 Shinyetsu El 52 38 38 381 5 648 51.

40 40 40 3 Silesia El 645 46 151 15 15 18 Silesia Prov 75 58.. 35 321 26 Sweden 51s 54. 797 78 79 9 Swiss 515. 46. 103 1034 1038 9 Sydney 5js 55 401 41 6 Taiwan El 49 48 49 17 Toho El Pow 75 55.

461 451 437 1 Tokio City 518 61. 51 511 51 37 Toklo El Lt 68 53. 381 381 38 2 Trondhjem 57. 451 451 45 1 El P. 75 45 60 60 60 4 On Stl A 151 151 6 Un St 645 47 A 16 15 15 8 Un Sti 618 51 C.

1511 157 2 Unter P-L 68 53 261 26, 26. A Uruguay 65 60 261 26 261 1 Venet Bk 7s 52 85 85 85. 15 Vienna City 68 52. 50 49 50 -W- 26 Warsaw City 7s 58.1 32 31 311 8 Westp Un 6s 53, 17 181 17 4 Wurttemb El 7s 56. 28 271 274 -y- 1 Yokohama 65 61 541 541 Total sales, $18.455,000.

Previous day. $5.850.000. Week ago, $9.106.000. Year ago. $8.740.000.

Two years $7.953,000. January 1 to date. $1,099 859.000. Same year 880. $994,035.500, Same two years ago, 81,128.490,000.

COTTONSEED OIL. NEW YORK May 3- Bleach- able cottonseed oil was steady today on scattered covering and commission house buying. but trading WAS light. with Dal prices 6 to 7 points net higher on active positions. Sales were only 7 contracts.

or 1.050 tons, Crude oll was 21 bid In the Southeast and the Valley and 21 in Texas. Bleachable spot and May closed 3.20; July. 3.45: September. 3.50; October. 3.60: December, 3.76.

There were no sales in the prime summer yellow contract. with closing prices as follows: Spots Max. 3.00, July. 3.10: September. 8.25; October.

(3.35. NEW ORLEANS. May 9- tonseed oil futures were steady today. with little price change and small trading. Prime summer vellow closed unchanged at 2.75 to 2.85.

Prime crude closed at 2.25-2.50, Futures closed steady. May, July, 3.08; October 3.24: December, 3.40: January. 3.50. U. S.


S. GOVERNMENT BONDS. (Dollars and -Seconds.) (Sales in 117 $1.000.) Lib 318 32-47. 1 Lib 1st4s 32-47 82 Lib 1st41 32-47 124 Lib 4th41 33-38 31 Treas 415 47-52 53 45 44-54. 108 Treas 31s 46-56 91 Tr 3140-43June 3081 Treas 31 43-47 3445 Tr 3141-43Mch 89 Treas 52 Treas 3s 51-55.

High. Low. Close. 100.18 100.12 100.16 101.16 101.16 101.16 101.20 101.14 101.15 102.14/102.9 102.12 105.25 105.11 105.14 102.16 102.13 102.13 100.17 100.7 100.10 99. 98.20 99.

98.30 98.24 98.30 98.30| 98.20 98.30 94.27 94.16 94.18 93.26 93.16 93.26 CORPORATION BONDS. (Sales in $1.000.) 43. H. 72 L. CI.

Abra-Straus 51s 72 72 3 Albany PWrap 6s 48 28 28 28 13 Alleghany 58 44.. 15 14 145 3 Alleghany 55 49.. 127 12 12 22 Alleghany 5s 50.. 11 4 Allis Chal 58 37. 69 68 69 4 Am-For 5s 2030..

291 291 291 2 Am Chain 68 33. 441 44 44.1 4 Am Cyan 58 42... 69 69 69 1 Am Ice 58 53.. 683 681 681 2 Am IG Chem 5is 49 581 58 58. 5 Am Internati 49 65 64 64.

10 Am Metal 5's 34. 451 45 45 5 Am Smelting 55 47. 81 80. 81 4 Am Sug Ref 6g 37.. 102 102 102 25 Am Tel -Tel 51s 43..

1031 1031 1031 4 Am T-T col 5s 46.. 101 101 101 53 Am T-T 55 60. 99 98 98 45 Am T-T 5s 65. 987 98 98 8 Am T-T evt 39. 102 102 102.

1 Ang Chil Nit is 45. 3 31 31 34 Arm-Co Del 54s 43. 50. 50 50 11 Arm -Co r'est 418 39 64 63 63 48 AT-SF evt 445 48. 801 79 79 52 AT-SF gen 45 95...

85 841 841 1 AT-SE adj 48 95.. 76 76 76 2 AT-SF adj 48 st 95 78 77 77 1 Atlanta-Bir 45 33.. 131 131 131 2A L-L-N 48 52. 45 45 45 3 Atl Gulf- I 58 59. 331 331 -B 2 Baldwin Loco 55 40 981 981 981 10 Balt-O rig Es 95..

42 42 42 6 Balt-0 rig 6s 95.. 361 36 36 2 Balt-0 55 2000 35 35 851 11 Balt-0 41s 33. 47 46 46 23 Balt-0 cvt 60. 24 23 23 12 Balt-0 gold 48 48. 701 71 11 Balt-0 45 59.

47 47 10 Benef IndLoan 6:46 711 711 71 2 Beth Sti rig 58 42. 84 84 84 4 Beth stl 55 36. 89 881 89 10 Boston -Me 55 57... 56 54 541 3 -Me JJ61 55 55 55 15 Boston-Me 55 55.. 56.

55 55 13 Bot Con Mills 61s 34 10 8 8 20 Bkin Edi 49 104 1034 1031 9 Bkin Man Tr. 65 68. 841 84 84. 2 Bkin 1st 5545 104 1041 104 5 Bkin Gas 5s 50.. 973 971 971 5 Cal.

Gas- Elec 59 37.101 101 20 Cal. Pack 55 40... 52 521 521 1 Cal Pet 58 39. 761 761 761 10 Can Nat Ry 51. 80 80 80 8 Car Nat Ry 56.

7911. 79 701 2 Can Nat Ry 57. 79 79 79 5 Can Nat Ry 68. 784 781 781 2 Can Nat 5569 July 85 85 85 18 Can Nor 98 98 98 5 CAn Nor 415 35. 924 921 92.

7 Can Pac 54. 67 66 66 6 Can Pac 415 60. 631 63. 63 22 Can Pac deb 45 per 56 55. 55.

7 Cent Ill E-G 55 51. 661 66 66 5 Cent P. 1st gtd 4549 72 2 Cent RR NJ 58 87..1 78 78 78 1 Certain-teed 48. 251 254 25 25 Chesap Corp 58 47. 46 441 45 Ches-O con 39...

103 108 103 Ches-O gen 4 92 85 831 85. 3 Ches-0 rig 4 595 23 11 Chicago-Alton 34:50 791 791 30B-Q 449 82 82 82 7T CB-Q gen 48 58. 85 85. 85 9 CE-Q 3 Ill div 49 82 82. 8 Chic Ill 51.

12. Chic Ct West 38 8 CM-STP gen 4,89 62 62 62 82 CMSP-Pa: 58 221 27 CMSP-P adJ 59 2000 25 Chic-NW CV 418 49. Ch-NW 415 2037 C. 32 32 32 5 Chic-NW gen 31s 87 46 45 1 Ch 1-P 52 A. 23 Ch.

I-P 4,5 60. 15 26 CRI-P. rig 48 34. 321 10T Hte-S 58 60. 38 38 38 8 Chi Un StA 41s 63 A 921 921 9 Ch-W Ind 62..

80 78 6 Childs Co 55 22 22 22 19 Cop 31. 30 30 9 Cinn Gas-Er 68. 89 891 7 461 46 46 8 Cleve Un 80 80 80 1 Cleve Un 75 75 75 6 Cleve Um 711 70 2 Colon Ou 38. 33 33 33 Colo Indus 58 34. 30 30 30 5 Col G-E 55.

52 Apri 69 69 69 Col G-E 5s 52 May, 70 69 70 Colum G- 59 1961 70 70 70 2 Com Credit 5 8 35. 87. 87 87 2 Com Inv Tr 546 49. 831 834 834 19 Con Coal of 55 50 18. 18 18 29 Con Gas 45 104 1034 23 Con Gas 4 8 51 921 92 921 5 Cons Gas Ch 5s 36.

98 95 98 2 Consum Pow 56 52. 101 1011 101 3 Contain Corp Es 46. 25 25 25 3 Crown Will 86 51. 67 67 67 Cuba Not Rye 518 174 17 17 1 Cuba 55 52. 24 241 241 2 Cumb T-T 55 37 1017 101 Del-Hud 781 781 78 Del 881 88 88 1 Del P-L 4 89 89 89 89 3D G-E 1st tfg 5801.

88 88 88 2 D-R con 36. 43 42 42 5D-R gn 55 55-16 131 151 2 Det Ed 55 49 102 101 101 12 Det Ed 4 5 61 951 94 94 10 Dodge Br deb 68 40 70 70 701 Donner Stl rig 78 42 76 76 76 20 Duques Lt 67 A 991 981 981 11 Erie rf-Imp 58 75. 241 cony 24. 6 Erie rf-Imp 58 67 25 24 3 Erie 1 en pr In 48 96 69 69 12 Erie gen lien 48 96.1 48 43 1 Fed Lt-T 58 42 72 3 Fisk Rub 88 19 19 19 72 1 Gen Ant Inv 5s 52. 76 76 76 9 Gen Cable 47.

437 431 437 23 Gen Mot Ac 85 37. 101 1001 101 Gen Petrol 55 40. 100 100 1001 5 Gen Pub Ser 518 39 77 1 Gen Th Equip 8s 40 19 GoodrichBE 618 781 78 78 14 Goodrich 65 45 45 441 21 Goody T-R 631 63 68 2 Or TR Ry Can 7s 40 971 97 1 Gr Tk Ry Can 68. 36 941 941 941 4 Gt Nor Ry 7s 36 A 73 72 72 Gt Nor 77 E. 56 551 56 2 -W deb 3 3 Gulf -Ship Isl 304 301 5 Hackensack W.

48 52 851 85 85 4 Houst OT Sis 40 51 50 51 10 Hud Coal 58 62. A. 281 28 28 2 -M rig 55 57 A. 77. 77 18 Rud-M adj inc 55 57 461 44 441 5 Hum Oll-Ref 51s 32 1004 1001 8 111 Bell Tel 55 56...

1031 103 1031 19 Ill Cent 415 66. 331 331 33 1 Cent rig 48 55. 46 46 46 3 111 Col Tr 48 52. 481 48 48 13 10-CSL-NO 36 36 36 410-CSL-NO 418 630 36 36 36 I Ill St deb 418 40,. 98 961 98 8 Inland St 41s 78 A 71 70 71 1 Int Trans 6s 32.

301 301 301 10 Int Tr rig 58 66. 471 46 46 27 IntRT rig 55 66 sta 46 461 1 Int Cement 59 48. 581 58 58 20 Int Gt adj 68 52. 5 5 1 Int Gt Nor 1st 65 62 27 27 27 6 Int Hyd El 89 44 33 34 12 Int Match 5s 28 Int Mat 55 41 cvt. 3 Int Pap rig 68 55A.

22 21 21 2 Int Pap cvt 58 47 A 461 46 46. 16 Int T-T evt 415 39. 27. 261 261 13 Int T-T deb 418 52 25 241 243 8 Int T-T deb 58 55. 261 25 25 5 Ft S-Mem 45 36.

45 45 45 22 Pow-Lt 61. 95 95 95 7k South 1st 85 50 531 52 521 6 Term 1st 45 60 841 841 84. 25 Kans Gas- El 448 80. 81. 81 81 10 Lac St 51s 53.

54 52 52 1 Lac 51s 60 52 52 52 7 Laut Nitrate 65 54. 21 2 Leh C-N 413 54 85 85 85 1 Leh Val 55 2003. 45 45 45 2 Leh VIP con 48 2003 39 39 39 1 Leh Val Term 5s 41 90 90 90 4 Ligg-Myers 5s 51. 102 102 102 2 Low's Inc 65 41. 77 77 77 Long Dock 6s 35.

100 100 100 2 Louisiana-Ark 5s 69 83 33 33 1 Louis-N 58. 2003 60 60 60 -M- 2 Manhat Ry 45 00. 31 31 31 Man Ry So Ln 45. 39 53 53 53 MEt St RV 7s 40. 76 76 76 MeK-ss-Rob 31s 50.

45 45 45 Mend Corp 68 45 A 39 39 39 Ed 55 53 90 90 90 Midvale St cvt 3:36 891 89 80 MI ER-Lt 78 78 79 ER-Lt 58 1971. 761 761 73 1 MSP-SSM 5s 38 43 43 43 5 M-K-Tex adj 55 67.1 26 231 231 Deaths Standard 20 Indus. 58.1 58.9 61.5 34.3 94.1 94.0 71.3 57.9 90.4 62.3 94.9 83.3 low. ABLE -Died Monday, May 9, at 6:15 P. at Memorial Hospital, W.

Able. He leaves his widow, Rosa Able. Funeral notice Inter. BROWN-Entered into eternal rest, at P. Sunday, May 8, at her residence, in the Shenandoah Apartments, Hester Cabell Brown, wife of Harvey C.

Brown, and daughter of the late Dr, H. Cabell Tabb, Besides her husband, she 15 survived by one stepson, Harvey C. Brown, one brother, T. Garnett Tabb, and her aunt. Miss Dora Pugh.

Funeral service from the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, 2700 Stuart Avenue, Tuesday (today), at 5 P. M. Interment in Hollywood. FUNN- Died May 8, at 10:50 A. at her residence, 821 St.

Paul St. Mrs. Florence Brayton Funn. She leaves a beloved husband, John A. Funn, and a host of friends.

Funeral from First African Baptist Church, Wednesday, 3 P. M. Dr. W. T.

Johnson. officiating; W. I. Johnson Bros. undertakers.

Norwich (Conn.) papers please copy, POWERS -Died, Sunday, May 8, 1932, at his residence. 2508 Sixth Ave. Carter L. Powers. He is survived by his widow.

Mellie Wall; four children, Petty, Carter, Clifton and Jane; four sisters, Mrs. C. D. Wood and Mrs. W.

E. Staples, of Richmond: Mrs. J. H. Jones, of Glen Allen, and Mrs.

H. L. Cosby, of Manakin, Va. Funeral from the residence. Tuesday, May 10.

at 1:30 P. M. Interment Oakwood, TOMLIN Died, Monday morning, May 9, 1932, Mabelle I. daughter of Mrs. Daisy Lanum Tomlin.

Funeral this (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o'clock. from Woody's funeral home. Interment in Oakwood. WOODWARD Died Monday, May 9, 9:30 A. Edward Folkes Woodward, aged 75 years.

He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Ruth W. Evans; three sons, W. Norvell, James E. and Richard H.

Woodward: one sister, Mrs. Lina W. Smith: also one brother, Herbert M. Woodward. Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from Woody's Funeral Home, Interment In Riv- Flowers--Mourning Goods 4 HATKE, florist-406 E.

Grace St. Funeral flowers. 3-2922: night. 4-9553. SPECIAL PRICES GERANIUMS- and $1.50 per dozen.

VERBENAS-75c and 81 per dozen. COLEUS per dozen. PETUNIAS- -75c and $1 per dozen. per dozen. ZENIAS75c per dozen.

MARIGOLD-15c per dozen. HELIOTROPE-75c and $1 per dozen. ALYSSUM-75c per dozen FERNS, BEGONIAS AND PERENNIALS W. T. HOOD CO.

5300 Brook Road Dial 5-4707 Special Notices 6A AUTOMOBILE DRIVING lessons given by an expert, who secures permit for pupil. Dial 3-1181. BOXING LESSONS FREE to boys over 15 years. 3-9490. FLOWERS for all occasions; potted plants and ferns.

Jas. E. Woolfolk 423 E. Leigh 3-2938 HOTEL OPENING The Neal Hotel, at Bowler's Wharf, will open to the public Thursday, May 12. Modern equipment, rooms for tourists, seafood meals, special dining-room for private parties, at attractive prices.

A real resort for rest. H. W. Goodwyn, Attorney-at-Law Removed to 513-17 Law Building JAMES OPTICAL CO. 204 N.

Fifth St. Glasses fitted. Dial 2-1492. THE ORIGINAL G. G.

Leland, now located 513 N. Harrison St. Shoes made for every kind of cripple; callouses. Morton and anteria trouble quickly relieved. Do not have your shoes ruined by cobblers.

I have no connection or interest in the Fifth St, shop. Dial 4-1361, DODSON SIGN COMPANY Dial 2-3450 Personals COATS ARMS painted by Harwood, 516 W. Grace make very acceptable wedding presents. Order now for May-June. Lost, Found, Strayed 10 (Continued From First Page.) BROWN SUITCASE- Lost, containing clothes.

between Fourqurean Lane down Chamberlagne Ave, to Lombardy Reward. 4-3102. DOG- Black co*ckerel spaniel. License 220450; name Coty. 5-2684.

DOG -White fox terrier; yellow ears: answers to Phone 5-2432 or return to 1717 Park Avenue. Reward. SPECTACLES Lost. on Chamberlayne Ave. bus, about 7:20 P.

M. Monday. Please call 5-9738. STICK PIN found. Call 2-2979.

Automotive Automobile Agencies PONTIAC 8. Pontiac 6. McKimmie Motor. 805 W. Broad St.

Antomobiles for Sale IL BUICK- Sedan, 1930, Like new. will sacrifice for euly $595; terms if desired. Dial 3-6858. THAT OOD SALESMEN are always 1n demand is clearly proved by the Classified Ads. SUGAR.

NEW YORK. May 9-- -Raw stigar was unchanged as far as nearby supplies were concerned, but the undertone was firmer. Holders were asking fractionally higher prices. Refiners were said to be showing some interest at 2 points above the last sale price of 2.58, but there was nothing available below 2.63, while for later shipment higher prices vailed. The only sale to a refiner was 9.000 bags of Philippines concluded late week at 3.38 delivered.

Futures were decidedly firmer, Offerings were comparatively light. and after opening at advances of 1 to 5 points prices worked steadily higher on covering and buying by houses with trade and Cuban connections. The market closed at the best and from 4 to 5 points above the prevous close. Approximate sales, 18,500 tons. May closed 58; July, September, 74; December 80; January, 82; March, 87: May, 92.

Refined sugar was quiet and changed at 3.75 for fine granulated..

Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.