The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

a a a 2 AMUsem*nTS ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MRS. EFFIE Wednesday. July Thursday, July 9. TWO NIGHTS ONLY.

Mr. Augustin Daly and his ent're Company Fifth Avenue after a most ent weeks' recept on at Theatre, New York, ou their. return to New York Booley's Theatre. Chicago, will play in sensation Cleveland op the above occasion in the great Paris MONSIEUR ALPHONSE Miss Fanny Daverport Madam Goichard Mr8 Mies G. Sarah H.

MaDou Raymon Miss Mina Bon' tte Bijou 100 Adrienne Mr. Cbarle: Fisher. Mon'aglin Jovin Mr. W. Davidge Kem) Mr.

George Monsiear Alphonse Doors open at 7, to commence at 8 Prince of Ar mission Dress Circle, Gallery, 500. Reserved seate for eale at the box THEATRE COMIQUE. (Frankfort street, near Bank.) A. Sole Proprietor. The Unanimous Verdict that th's Theatre enjoys the repotation of being the cooleet and the st regu'ated Variety Theatre in America.

Each successive week wonderful attractions. THIS EVENING. For eix nights and one Lacies' Ma ince Saturday: THE MENDELS, Harry and Leorie, in their great and original wu'ch character sketches M193 10 TIR MONIFORD, the pleasing seriocomic vocalist. MR. TMMY SMITH.

the favorite Ethiopian commedian. Unb. unded euccess of M'LLE ZE and MON8 REVINI, in their intrepid and daring -air feats RED CK, 'h King of Border Min, will appear positively I evening ily 9.h. 10. 25 end 50 Cento.

Ladies' and Children's Matinee, every Sa'urday, 2 Ladies 're Chagrin Falls Races! WEDNESDAY'S RA E4, JULY 8, 1874. FORENOON. PURSE No. 1-- Premium $100--For horses that dev. trotted for money Mile haste, beat 3 in 5.

No 2 Pramiam $300 For bore: 8 thar never bolted better than 250 Mileheats, in 5. AFTERNOON 'PURSE No 8 -Premium $410-For bor that never trotted better thAu 2 39. Mtle bears best 3 in 5 PURSE $74- For green ners. half uile heats, bear 2 in 3. THURSDAY'S IN, JULY 9.

1874, FORENCON PURSE No. 5 -Pre $250-For all pacers Mile beata, best, 3 in 5 NO 6 Freuiam $250-For double teams. le beats. best 8 in 5 AFTEEN 'ON. PURSE No.

7-Hemitm -For horses that Ver trotted better than 2 45 Mile heate, best 3 in 5. PUR NO 8- Premium $50-For to sea that nerer tro ted be ter 2 30 Mile beate, best 3 in 5 PURSE No. 9-Premium $125-For all rangers. Ball mile beats best 2 in 3. FRIDAY'S RACES, JOLT 10, 1874.

FOR PURSE PO 10-Prem um $800-For horses that never tro'od better than 3 00. Mile best 8 in 5. PURSE No 11-Premium $300 -For horses that never trotted tester than 2.40. Mile heats, beet 3 in 5 AFTERNOON PURSE No 12-Prem $800-Open to all trottere. Mite beat-, b-et 8 10 5.

PUR- No 13-Premium $300-Open to all runorr4, Mile st-, be-t 2 in 3 The races wi'l be called promptly at 10 o'clock a. a d1.30 o'clock m. each dav. jP7 2t Summer Resort. Music and Refreshments.

Kirkholder's Summer Garden, 76 1-2 and 78 St. Clair Street. --0 Imported Tubarosa, Reina Victoria, CENTS A PIECE, AT MYRICK'S, 129 Bank street. Cleveland Conservatory of Music Hearu's Block, Euclid Avenue. DIRRCTORS: J.

UNDERNER, WW. HEYDLER, J. HART. Taition foce, per term ten weeks (20 lessons), Piano, Organ, Violin, Flate, Violencello, Cornet Faitar and other instrumente, each $15. Singing $15 Theory Invariably in advance.

Those entering for two or more branches will be entitled to free admiasion to theory classes. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Tuesday. July 7. 1874.

LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTIsem*nT. Mabley Hull Hower bee Dry Goods. Chagrin Falla Hares. 8mi n.

Dodd Co. -Boots and Shoes. New Fn lond Ho o'-- l'ustion Wanted -ituation War ted. I to Loan. Protest nt AV iT gehrA' Courch--Notice.

Mix Noble ite-Money to Loan, rt al ne tore for Kent 116 1 over -'r Wan' ed Hel --T Toole for dale. 274 Lako -tr e- orge, for Hale. 3:4 etroit st ee Merchants' National Bank--State ncat. La. Ke P.

Stolen. IN ANDEABOUT THE CITY. -The fire department inves'igation testimony will be found on the first page. -Sweeny made a capital picture of the veterans at Palocsville. -The alarm of fire last evening WAS caused by a alight fire at 287 Quincy street.

-Tue fire commissioners postponed their trip to Newburgh to day in consequence the extreme best. -A boy named James Potter had one big arms broken by being thrown from horse on Case avenue commons on Monday afternoon. r'ed woman last week is alleged to have A young man who eloped with a swindled an Ontario street business man ou: of $150. -Toe receiving house of W. HI Doan's oil retinery on Kingsbury run was damaged to the extent of $200 by fire at 6.50 o'clock Monday evening.

-There will doubtless be a great amount talk this evening in the council the Sunday liquor ordinance but it will oaly. be a waste of the city gas because w.ll not waver 8 vote. -The Leader will have one wish gratifi.d. It hopes certain councilmen will cept its editorial personalities this morning in the spirit which they were written. They will.

-A three years old girl, daughter Mrs. Ann Carroil, living near the foot Superior street, was run over by last niog's express train and killed at the ing near her home. -The steamer City of Sandusky been chartered to take an excursion to Canada, starting Sunday the 12th arriving in Cleveland again the Wednesday morning. -The city council will meet this ning. The Sunday ordinance will up for consideration.

The crusaders be there in force, prepared to stay all The East Cleveland delegation, has tered a car, the Rev. Twitchell, we learn. -Monday evening an affray occurred tween come Italians, in rear of No. Commercial street. One struck in the bead with a batchet, inflicting W88 al first supposed to dangerous wound, the blood flowing freely.

An amination showed, however, that the jury W98 not serious. The striker, Jobns, was arrested. -Monday evening 0 fatal accident curred on Hanover street hill, West A man named Peter F. Cabill was on one of Gaines' ice wagons, being friend of the driver. By some mischance he slipped off, fell directly under the and the vebicle passed over bis body.

died in a few minutes. The deceased about forty years of age and lived Taylor street. He WAS 8 widower leaves three orphan chidren. 1. 1.

WILLSON BOULEVARD. Another Meeting of Property Owners Another meeting 'of property ownere interested in converting Wilson avenue into a boulevard was held Monday evening, Mr. T. H. Burrows presiding, Mr.

Thomas Whitebead secretary. Mr. John Huntington, chairman of the committee appointed at the last meeting to prepare an estimate of the cost of curbing and grading, the street and planting the necessary and shrubbery, reported that expense including the graveling of the roadways would not exceed $250 per foot; would be glad to take the contract for performance of the work at that price. Charles H. Strong, city civil engineer, believed that it could be done for a faction above $2.

This knowledge would be very gratifying to property owners, 88 some of them had imagined the labor would cost as much as $10 per foot. Mr. J. 8. Tilden inquired whether it was proposed to extend the boulevard 1 acrosa Euclid avenue.

Mr. Huntington replied that the design was to avoid all the damages possible and attempt would probably be made to cross the avenue at present. The only expense to the property owners would constructing the boulevard. The dentire city was interested in the success of the project and he hoped it would not be permitted "fall through." He had conversed with members of the board of improvements and the city council and they favored The autborities would doubtless be willing to bear the expense of keeping the boulevard in good condition. At any rate the cost of this would be merely nominal.

On motion, Messrs. Huntington, Tilden and Stein were selected as a committee to ascertain from the board of improvements the probability of the city authorities being willing to undertake the care of the boulevard. Mr. Thomas Whitehead, chairman of the committee on signatures, stated that people were not yet quite ready to sigo, as they wished first to koow more of what is proposed. The committee d.

sired further um which was granted. Mr. Whitehead pre gented the following as the paper whicb property owners were to be requested to sign: We, the undersigned, owners of of of of of of of of of property fronting on Wilson avenue north of Euclid avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, for the of one dollar and other valuable consideration received, bereby assign and iraLefer to the city of Cleveland a depth of twenty-five feet of frontage of our respective lots, as appears Will- by the annexed plat hereto attached, on said 800 avenue, for the purpose of widening said avenue to a uniform width of one hundred and fifty feet, to transform the same of into said a boulevard with fifty feet in the center avenue ty be ornamented with sbade trees and shrubbery, said shade trees and shrubbery under- to be placed there at the expenee of the signed in accordance with plans June submitted 29.h, at the meeting beld Monday evening, 1874, and hereunto attached. Mr. Alfred R.

Allen suggested that a committee be appointed to consult in order to see whether the plan of the boulevard pro posed was really the best that be had for beautifying the street. Messra. Burrows, Willard and Allen were selected for this purpose and were requested. to report at a meeting to be held at the same place next Monday evening. Hun PERSONAL.

-Mr. Amasa Stone, has resigned the position of managing director of the Lake Shore Michigan Southern railway company and Hon. William Williams, of Buf. falo, has been appointed to the W. Hind Smith, of Manchaster, Eogland, who was a delegate to the recent international meeting of Young Men'; at Dayton, will Christian, associations, Cleveland, to the workings of the various deinspecting partments of the association here, and also of the temperance organizations.

has boen presented by the attaches of the Central with a handsome silver badge, in the center of wbich is A skull and cross bones with the inscription: "Christy, Captain of the B'ack Maria." coming troupe to Cleveland has a personal interest for our citizers from the. fact that its lead ing comedian, Mr. James Lewis, is a whilom Clevelander. A few months ago the Academy was crowded to suffocation by the early friends of anotber graduate of the Avenue, Miss Clara Morris, to welFifth her back to the scene of her fire1 come essays in the art; and we art sure that 8 reception equally warm and cordial will be extended to Mr. Lewi when he again treads the boards whereon he met his first triumphs.

There is a coin cidence in the two cages, inasmuch as both Miss Morris and Mr. Lewis were originally trained by Mr. l-ler, And both became famous under the same New York management. Since he left Cleveland Mr. Lewis has steadily advanced.

in his profession. He i- something more than 8 "comic actor." Ar is a comedian of rare originality and native force and a humorist as keen and subtle as ADY we baye. Tbus his portraitures are a9 nature Mr. Lewis' realistic 88 friends will rally in force on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The Pacing Race.

On Monday afternoou there was a pacing race on the Nortuern Ohio track for $100 mile heats, three in five. W. a side, Potts' bay gelding "Velocipede" and G. Wilson's sorrel geldiag "Sorrel Frank" were the contestants. "Sorrel Frank" wo in three straight beats; time, 2.21, 2:23, 2.27 Intelligence of une Modern Juror.

The following conversation actually to.k it place recently on the trial of a case in this city Counsel for defendant to intelligent juror. -Are you an clector of this county? Intelligent -Well -I don't know. I disremember being elected to anything. Counsel. -Da you know what capital of ishment means? of Intelligent juror -Of course I do; do mean to insult me? Counsel.

-What does it mean? Intelligent juror -Why it means kind of property. Every fool knows A Summer Prescription. and An exchange recommends the following as a sure antidote for the exceeding tration so constantly attendant upon evehot weather like that of to- day: come -Sps. vin. Otard, oz.

1. will Saccharine whitum washum, q. 8. Aqua congealibue, 8 Mintum someum, 6 -prigs. Sbakum Liketbuvderam, G.

8. Mr. Strawum elongatus, 1. Sig--Suckum threwem. be- Of course this doesn't mean mint julep.

56 Shot by a Doz Killer. Last year a young lady lost her lifo what the hands of a reckless dog killer. day a lady, Mrs. Peter Thayer, living at Oregon street, was wounded by stray in- from a dog killer's gun, carelessly John Fortunately the wouads are not serious that is not the fault of the dog shooter. oc 19 bigh time this barbarous, dangerous Side.

of depleting the canine race was done riding with. a The Late Isaac Buckingham. wheels The funeral of the late Issac Buckingham He will take place at ten o'clock to-morrow was forenoon at his late residence, 467 street. Friends are invited to attend. 64 and remains will be interred in Lake cemetery.

PE Mr. James Lewis. The of Daly's Fifth avenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 There were about forty in the party, and after visiting the various poin'A of intereat they dined at Mr. Jerome's hostelry at. Sheenwater.

Returning to the city about six o'clock they proceeded to indulge in 8. drive around the city park. The Western telegraphers returned home last evening well pleased with their treatment in Buffslo. AMUsem*nTS. THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC will be occupied on Wednesday and Thursday evenings by Augustin Daly's New York Fifth avenue theater dramatic company.

Mr. Daly is with the company on its summer tour. The company includes Miss Fanny Davenport, one of the most brated of native artistes, Bijou Heron, the exceediogly clever daughter of Matilda Heron, and Mr. James Lewis, formerly of this city. The play to be brought out is George Parkes' new drama "Alphonse," a piece of the French "society" class, one which has created a sensation wherever produced.

We reed not remind our readers that the company is probably the best which can be selected in America -or at least inferior to none that could be chosen and that the piece must be up to the highest standard or Mr. Daly would not allow it to be played. The cast is as Madame Fannie Davenport Raymonde Miss Sara Jewett. Mrs. G.

H. Gilbert. Bonette. Miss Nina Varian. Adrienne Heron.

Mr. Charles Fisher. Joy Mr. James Lewis. Remy Mr.

W. Davidge. Monsieur Mr. George Parkes. THINNER'S GARDEN is a pleasant place to spend an afternoon or evening this hot weather.

The celebrated Vienna lady orchestra gives a concert eacb evening. Trinkner always bas good music there. KIRKHOLDER'S RUSTIC GARDEN is probably the coolest place in the city on 8 hot afternoon or evening. COLE'S MENAGERIE AND CIRCUS is a grand success. The menagerie is extensive and made up of some of the rarest specimens of the animal kingdom -and, what is pleasantest to see, the creatares art all exceedingly well kept.

The sea lion is the largest and best simple of its species ever brought from the Pacific. The circuis exeellent. In a word, Cole's circus and menagerie in point of excellence has never been surpassed by any similar exbibition ir this part of. the country. It will be ex bibited this afternoon and evening on tht West Side, De'roit street lot.

THE THEATRE COMIQUE was crowded last evening in spite of the great heat. The performance, as usual, was highly attractive. THE COURTS. the oath. The state vs.

Oppman. -Indictment for assault with intent to kill. Verdict guilty 01 manslaughter. COYAHOGA COMMON PLEAS, Barbara vs Joha Holtzhelmer. Divorce granted for drunkenress, Ohio va Edward Phillips, William Harrington and James Burke.

-Indic ment for murder in the fi st degree in kill Thomas Willard May 18, 1872. Phillips ouly has bern arrested and the of the others are known. The defendant W86 brought int court and the venue called. Some only of the thirty-eix named thereia had been found or s-rved, the others being sick, abseul or dead. But few of those answering to their names were returned and the deputy A was ordered to call in bystanders.

He summoned one after another till with those retained of the regular venire twelve citiz :118 were found who were satisfactory to the attoroeys. Of the tales men called fifty-one were rejected twenty-eight for cause and twenty -three by pertmp ory cha'lenge. The day was nearly con- in getting the jury and because of the law which requires a jury in such Cases tu be kept togetber from tine of reception of the oath till discharged after verdict or impossibil. ity of agreement the court adjourned before SUPERIOR COURT OF CLEVELAND. The law provides for an omission of regular terms in July and August and no defaults will be taken till the September term.

Court, bowever, will be kept open during the two intervening mouths for the transaction of such business and the trial of such cruses as both parties wish to have done or tried. Piano eolo: "Voices of the Cora Bowles. Tableau recitations with rocal and instrument.l music: Youth's Dreamland," written for the graduatiug class -Miss Emma A. Cobb, Miss Fannie C. Gillette, Miss Nellie A.

Prenti: 8, Miss Lizzie E. Hord. Music by joung ladies of he school. Piano duet- Miss Nettie A. Hall, Miss Carrie Bell.

Essay: "Nineteenth Century Emma A. Cobb. paid Toil" -Miss Fannie C. Gillette. ug in two parts: "How the Bowler, Cushing, Lewis, Smi and Barton.

say: "Old and New Beliefs" -Miss Nellie A. Prentise. Essay "The Snany Side of History," with the zzie Hurd. Vocal duet: Would thit my -Mis Cora Bowler and Misa Mamie Lewis. Address by Rev.

C. 8. Education." The Clevelaud academy. The anniversary exercises of the Cleveland academy took place last Thursday afternoon in the presence of a large au dience. The programme was as follows: been filed for record since our last report: Juba Baldwin to J.

Baldwio, jr, et al -Be. Real Estate Transfers. The following sales of real estate have 'A claim to piece of land on south side of village. V. Price to W.

H. H. Peck-City, lot 53, Halle D.vis' allo met; $800. Norton to Isaac Keanedy-Caty, 30 fert on Fiorence street; $650 H. Tauip to D.

Manchester-Ea-t Cleveland, lot 10, D. E. Holden's allotment. 45 feet on Madison aVenue; $3200 W. C.

Scot to Ih lot 189 grantor's allotment; $880. mour to 85 fest on Garden street; $5,500. A. S'eph-Dron to William Hu'chingsCoagrin Falls, acres in Solon lot Aud 4.97 ac es; $800, tY Cu to N. Moses -East Cleveland, lot 150, Nelson Mases' allotmeut, Manning street; $480, land, lot 229.

grantor's allotment; W. F. Walworth to Fin Walch -East CleveM. McEuneny to James Carothers--City, part. of lots 23 29 acd 30, John and Mary Robeitsou'8 all $975.

H. Bulkley to Wm. McDermot-City, lots 4 and 7, grantor and L. S. Holden's allotment; $550.

Wm. Dunning et al to Taylor-Royalton, 90.88 acres in section 14; $4 094. Matilda W. Burnham to David SceholzerCity, lot 23, grantor's to Charlotte allo ut; Ward $460. -City, Holden 55, grantor's allotment; $1,030.

Same to ert Meek--Ci lot 17, grantor's allotment; Jonah Gates to Eliza A Barnes -New. $3 155. burgb, lot 123, allotment of Hubbard Cook, 8 Adams to Carrie A. Hustings -City, trustee; $520. Ephraim Briggs, eXecutor of James Taylor, feet, Bolivar aircet; $6,500.

to John J. Can -City, north part of lot 35, lotment of Wm. Williams; $1 500. D. WV.

Anderson to H. Burt--City, lot A. Schoniz to J. Mueller and latter to Anna Gregory's allotment; $6,000. Maria Sebantz -City, lots 34 and 85, al otment of J.

Hoyt Let in ten-sore lots 117, J. M. Hoyt to James Harris- -Brooklyu, 1 182, grantor's allotment la original lots 82 02 33 02 D. Short to Belboubek-City, lot 23, grant3 ors' allotment; $750. C2 Northern chio Fair Association.

At a meeting of the directors of Northern Ohio fair association held Friday afternoon the several departments of 17 fair were put under charge of the following named attending members: Horses- J. McKinnie and J. S. Casem*nt. Cattle--D.

P. Rhodes and Hon. W. 8. StreatT.

or. Sheep, swine and poultry -H. J. C. Brockway Buchtel Farm implements, etc.

-Hon. and No tiogbam. aid manufactures, textile and domestic manufactures -George A. and 0 A. Childe.

1. Fine Machinery--C. arts -Stillman Witt and George Pettengill. Howe. Floral department-Hon.

H. B. Payne George Geological, W. mineral and chemical -P. Howe.

Warmough. in Agricul ural and horticultural departments-: Boo. W. 8 Streator. Trotting park -G H.

Bart, Joba W. Tod, Howe is Edwards, W. J. McKinnie and river Associated press W. Fairbanks, WIl- Cowles and W.

W. Armstrong, 4 That's the "Way the Money GOeR. vi Street Grading Superintendent Who 'Got $4 a Day from the Only for, Accor. In to His Sworn Testi mony, Fifieen Minutes Work WeeK Dariug the Day." Francis 8. Peltou has libeled the schooner Algerine, of which he is the principal own er, suit: being brought to secure certain end beneficial bim.

The following occurs in his sworn testimony in the case: Question. -What was your business io D. cember, January, February, March and April, 1871 1872. Answer -I had no business except to look after the schooner Algerine that winter. -Were you not employed by the city on the streets in the cily A.

-No, eir, I Wag was in the summer but not in the winter. you remember the street they had to blast in order to make a roadway? A. -I do, sir. -What g'reet was that I think it was Elm street, if I recollect right. -Was it near the market house? A.

sir. Were not you at work on that street while these repairs were going on on toe Algerine the months A. -No, sir. Not any more than perhaps gfteen minutes in a week. I was there in a week perhaps fifteen minutes during the day.

W. -Then you were employed? A. -No, I was not employed. I bad been really employed employed. by Had the nothing but to descent 100k after the Alg-rine.

The city auditors books show that T. 8. Pelton drew from. the city treasury during the time mentioned $4 a day for superintending grading of Mulberry street, as follows: the, December, twenty-six $104 Javuary, twepty-seven $108 February, twenty $100 March, twenty-six days. $104 In Trouble.

Rumor has it that tue distillery of Peter Diemer and the brewery of the Laisy's in some kind of trouble with the government. Irquiry at the revenue collector's Mee failed to reveal any reason for the reported state of aff.irs. It seeme, from what meager information we can gleam, tha' some sort of an investigation is going on. the nature of which, for some reason not apparent to us, we were unable to cain. MARINE MATTERS.

PORT OF CLEVELAND. ENTERED, JULY 6. 3 Prop Gazelle, Waltman, Pat-in Bay. Prop Milwaukee, 1 ennurd, 0g Prop City of New York. Waterbury.

Prop City of Fremont, Moore. Butfalo, mdse. Prop Jay Gould, Smith. Buffalo, mdse. up Howard, Hyde, Port Crescent.

Imr. Prop Forest City, Frazer, Escanaba, ore. Prop Comet, Dugot, Marquette, pig Iron. Prop 8. E.

Sheldon, Pellet, Marquntte, ore. Prop D. M. Wi son, Wilson, ore. Prop Se'ah Chamberlain, Judaon, Marquette.

Schr Meaumee, Lawl Marquette, ore. Schr Exchange, Lawler, Marquette, ore. Sebr Juo. Marrin, R. Marquet'e, ore.

Schr 8. L. Mather, Edson, Marqurtte, ore. Sebr U. Hu chison, E-capoba, ore.

3cbr H. Brown, Gale. ore. Active, V.igut, Rond Eau, wood. Schr Fortora, Huggins, Buffalo, marble.

Schr Sea Bird, Stough, Budalo. Sebr Massillon, Becker, Buff Schr Mary Lydia, Brown, Colborne. Schr M. P. Downie, Alleu, Iborue.

Murray, Colborne. Sebr G. G. Cooper, Nelson. Colborne.

Sebr P. Royce, Boylan, Erie. T. Baker, Goodwin, Ashtabula. Schr John Jewett, Butman, Oswego.

3cow German, Moore, Oswego. Scow Wm. Wellbouse. Blanchard, Kelley's I. Scow W.

Sloan, Crawford, Sco't's Point. Scow Mellissa, Braman, Dover Buy, sand. Scow Moses Gage. Brown. Port.

Cresent. CLEARED, JULI 6. Prop Jay Gould. Swun, Luledo, mdse. Prop Atlantic, Morey, Houghton, mdse.

Prop City of Fremont, layes, Duluth, mdse. Prop City of New York, Waterbury, Chicago. Prop Milwaukee, Leonard, Chicago, mdae. Prop I. Howard, Irde, Port Crescent, mdse.

Prop 8 Sh ldca, Pellet, Marquette, mase. Schr H. G. Cieveland, Rose, Marquette. Schr Frarless.

Gowan, Kingston, coal. Schr Willie Downie, Allen, Belleville, coal. Schr Wacosta, Hugher, Toronto, coal. Schr Jobn Jewet, man. Ma den, coal.

Schr G. Cooper, Wilson, Chicago, coal. Barge Joseph, Bay City, Imr. Schr Fostoria, Higgins. Ch cog coal.

Sebr Mary Lydia, Brown, Kiogsville. Scow Mountain Maid, Pattison, Marblehead. Scow Moses Gage, Brown, Pt. Clinton. Scow German, Moore, Toledo.

Melissa, Dover Bay. Barge Josepb, Ferguson, Saginaw. ENTERED. JULY 7. Stmr Northwest, Viger, Detroit, mdse.

3ehr B. B. Buckbart, Campbell, Bay City. Ime. Schr J.

L. Quiaby, Bennett, Chicago, oats. CLEARED, JULY 7. Stmr Northwest, Viger, Detroit, mdee. Schr B.

B. Buckhart, Campbell, Saginaw. ICE BY TOE We are receiving -day at the dock of L. Davis foot of 8t. Clair street, Feveral vessel loads of Ice, which we will sell by the sing'e ton or by the cargo.

1f STANDARD OIL Co. A. W. Beman. attorney.

1 Park Building. Wanted- who are troubled with He feral Debility. Dysp 18. Loa8 of appetite, gue aDd Caill Fevers to try BUHRER'8 GENTIAN BI the best tonic in age. They are a sure cure for the above complaints, are not intoxicating' but invigorate and tone up the systom, leaving no 'ojartous efects For people of neuentary habits or ladies in ble be-lta, no better medicine can ha bad.

The proprietor is almost da'ly in receipt of te-timonial4 from ladies and gentlemen the tirb st character, praising the Pitt AT acknowledging the beneficial resulte from their use. FURNITURE. FURNITURE AND. UPHOLSTERY! J. N.


BARGAINS AT BLACK No. 9 Euclid avenue. Jun COAL. McDOWELL, CAUL BRETT, MINERS AND DEALERS Summit Mine Massillon, Mineral Point and Brier Hill Coals. No.

1. corner River and Front Sta. Us 8 Nut by the Cargo. OLEYELAND, O. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COGGIA'S COMET.

Something Interesting About VA hen at Will Wrap its Tail Around the Barth. ho interfered with by the great comet of 1874. u6 Graphic adds: "Mr. Parkhurat's speculations in regard to the comet's leav. lug a part of its tall to torm an atmospbere for the moon Seem to be 8 little aside from observed facts.

All spectroscopic analysis of the matter of comet's tails has hitherto seemed to point to the conclusion that they were some atienuated form of Carbon unkpown to terrestrial chemistry. It has even been asser ed that, it all the matter of comet's tail were reduced to the same ensity as the carbon we know, in the form of charcoal or co*ke, it wou not eXCeed a tew ounces, or might be carried in the waistcos! pocket. Whether it would De proper to speak of euca a subatance ag likey LO form a po-sible for the uvon is open to question. How ver, all Mr. P.raburst's speculations are matters of reme interest and we hope that this who le sutject will receive a rigid investigation al The New York says: The latest computations prove that Cog.

comet is the most extraordinary body the kind that has ever visited the solar system and that probably by the 20th of the earth will be passing through its Already the tail is three millions of long but, as like Donati's comet the of this one is curved (though from the position of the earth we cannot preceive the apparent length. macho Henry curvature), the real is larger Parkhurst, who bag been making calculain regard both to the orbit of the comet and the gradual elongation of the estimates that perihelion distance the comet from the sun lies just within orbit of Venus and that the tail creases one-tenth each day. He further makes 8 number of predictions in regard to wonderful visitor which are of 80 interesting a character that we quote them full. On Tuesday evening, June 30, and Q0 the following evening the moon will rise before twilight fairly ends; buton Thursday, July at half past nine o'clock, the comet will easily seen by the naked eye in the western sky (00 other description will be needea) with a tail about five degrees in length. Oa succeeding evenings the nucleus move towards the south, while the will increase in lengtb, so as to bring its extremity gradually northward On the of July the head of the comet will reached the horizon in the northwest the end of twilight, 80 that it will not exsily be visible after that date; but the tail exiend nearly to the pole star.

Donati's comet had a retrograde motion and when earth met it and the tail was most it was placed nearly at right angles the line of vision. Un the other hand comer, whose peribelion aistance is little greater, coming just withiu the of Venus, moves in tue same velocity (reduced to the plane of the equator.) in consequence of which the tall, which is now ucarly at right angles with one line of viswill gradually turn to ward us, still apparently pointing in the direction. will be remembered that Donati's comet Curved like a soldier's plame; but Coggia's is now and will remain nearly straigo because the curvature wili be directly from and therefore impercepuble. Another striking differeuce from the tall of comets generaly 19 that it will be so foresbortened 10 be remarkably wide at the end. Ou July 16.0 the tail will extend far beyond tue pole and develop a new characterisue, taper lug off rapidly toWards the end.

Within three or four days after the 16ib the tail will have become 80 expanded 1u the neigbborbood of the pole as to till a large part of northern heavens. Yet it will not be conspicuous otject, because 10 will be 80 88 to look rather like an immense cloud or a new milky way than what it really is. By this time we a shall have sulved question whether the tail is nollow or a radiated alruc ure or what: is its con stitution. Of the way in which this will it is not sale yet to speak with definiteves-; for altbough, if the tail were straight, we should be almost certainly near the midof it on July 20.b, yet its curvatur. will probably delay 10 two or three days and even until the earth has passed beyond its path.

Taking the best value I can trom be records of previous comew, I should eXpect the earth on July 22 to be wholly WI DID the, eastern edge of the comet's tall and I will assume this to be the case. 'Tue comet will then disappear to us but then the lubabit ants of the Southeru Demisphere, who may be ignoraut of the cause of tut luminosity of the evening sky, will see it gradually rise and pass away and will be amazed by the sudden apparition of comet of extraordinary size and unusual brilliancy, which will burst upon their vi-inu as 88 the great comet of 1861 Che gradual diminution and final disappeara: ce of the comet will be 80 nearly con Verse of what we shall have witnessed here (bat it needs no description. What will be the effect upon the earth I dare not pre dict the effect upon the mirds of men, especially of the ignorant; but I do not anticipate any appreciable pbysical effect further than possible electrical phenomena like the aurora. It will, of Course, leave us 8 portion of its atmosphere when it departs, but, probably, not enough 10 aff. ct the barometer, or to come within tie cognizance even of scientists.

But there may be, by possibility, one permaneut effect of interest and curiosity. Ir the earth should not entirely escap the moon will also probably be involved, and it will also retain a portion of the cometery substance. As the amouat of the aims phere upon the moon's is now 80 small -if, indeed, there is any at all -that it is unrec 0g nizable by the nicest astronomical scrutioy perhaps after the passage of the comet we ball dad that henceforth the moon will nave 80 atmosphere, of greater or jess density, which will materially modify pbenomena ot occulations and solar eclipst8 will add that Venus is safe'y out or way, so that the transit expedition will Cleveland Telegraphers In Buffalo. Toe tollowing we excerpt from the But- falo Courier of Monday: The base ball contest between two clubs of the Western Union telegraph the "Dots" of this city and the "Dasnes" of Cleveland, Obio, came off un "The Front," in accordance with the programme which he ped to make up our celebr tion. The Dashes" and a few or their friends arrived aere from the west on the early murning train, and were met by a com nittee of the Dots," who escorted them to the ContiDental hotel, whica bad been selected for their quartere.

The visiting party were: J. T. Hanford, 0. A. D.

Greene, O. Castle, Wibiam H. Bobuc, William I fiMAD, G. W. Patterson, George N.

Melton, (3. W. Jones, N. Templeton, and Caay, al of Clevelaud; I es of Detroit, and W. Hunter of Sandusky.

THE GAME commerced at bait past ten. The "Dashes" won the toss and gent the "Dots" to bat. The first inning closed with A 'spice" for the "Dote," ten Arm, heavy "dots" for the the Buckeyes to feVer beat. The "Dots" "Dashes," and exciting the enthusiasm thought they eaw a necessity for a change in tacucs and going to the bat again in determined manner, played with such spirit AS to regain many of the friends who bad seemingly fallen away from them after drat inuing. They could not, however, close the gap made at the beginning of the game and atter an exciting contest, which lasted two bours and 8 half, the struggle ended with 8 score of 34 to 17 in favor of Clevelanders.

THE SCORE. Dashes 0. R. Dots. O.

4 .5 2 ..8 Jon-6. 3 5 ........3 Hoffman. 4 Lees 3 4 Davidson 4 Barker 4 4 3 Gurley 33 Total .........30 at 6 741 0 04 68 Umpire--O. -F. F.

Kition, Howard, of the of "Dots," and J. the -sex Scores Hanford; of the Some really fine playing was developed, but and as an extibition of the various It of "our national game" it was a decided success, and may be referred to as ant 'eature of the celebration. The Dssbes" wore. suits of white nel, with a blue letter and blue stockings, and the "Dots" make up consisted of colored sbirt with blue letter, linen and blue and white stockings. A Bumber of the gentlemen connected with the Western Union telegraph office this city treated their guests from The whose successful base ball exploit View noticed else where, to a ride down the yesterday on the steam yacht Maggie Cleveland Drug Market Stone Cobb.1 $1 8972.05 011.

33 5003 75 Aloes, 18c OLL Castor 1,756,2 cO Alum. 4 1 6004.00 Rine Borax, 50 Bergamot. 6,750 7 18 Lemon. 4. 7505 FO Peppern't.

5 '0 abbile soap, ran 9 44 88 Oil. Lineeeabo'l: 101a1 3 copperas Carbon, test 180141 Lara, W.b. Camphor. eleph't, do Gam Opium. 75101L whale.

W. Morph 01, sperm. do. $2 Nitrate 9761 10 Ou, 520 58c ndide Potassa. 4.60 005.00 8p.

Quinine Balph $2.5502,60 8p. Benzine 120 180 (Eled) 1.0 Lead, white in .9543 Zinc, white, in oil 110140 Flour. bull 041 Putty. MATTERS Cleveland Drug Market Notices, To Let, For Sale, Found 1st, net exceeding four Lines, wiil be serted in both Editions for 25 cents. PERSONAL.

DOmestic, new, for sale cheap. at Lees' N. machines exchanged, rented ani paired. Ne dies for all machines. T.

LEnS, 16 Woodland avonur. SPECIAL the sreatest and 1 est Medium 01 nard, gives Dames in full, the past and future. Call and 808 him at No. 80 Prospect street from 9 until 4 o'clock dauy. STRAYED OR STOLEN.

STOLEN- A GOLD STEM- -WINDER by the pregeued tue undereigned Direcwra of the N. 0. Fair Associat A reward will be paid for its retro to 8 6 superior at. J. P.

MOB 30 v. jy7b RAYED OR STOLEN- -A YOUNG out dug. eleVen large 80 ears tehurt and ua a number of emali black 8, OD on its b.ct. A nDeral reward will de did for D1- retaru or anY luformition of nie AN whereabou'8 anc no querio 8 AAk 74 Airmon jvic WANTED. ANTED -GIRL TO DO GENERAL boas at llo Hanover liamily.

Jy7a Koucial DOUse rower, side. a c. SITUATION. TO DU Cali for too days at 824 Detroi: West SITUATION 'TO DO -A or taking care 01 sowinx, Cr sac rees v) an invallu oy an experienced buglan Hotel. lequue at kcum WANTED aut -BY lady, AN au expel.

INTELLIGENT houst sumo keeper, a mad stu tam'ly. a8 Co upeusa. eep lol Dole or Companion 11 Wages lor a aduree 3 Ta L. more Oe led toau Phi Deal. rolli d.

15 SMART, INURSTRI girl debiles a b.tua lou LO Jearu street trade of V.9. app at 2.6 Aaron 4.00D, ENERGETIC WANTED tab uade, to sell on ci mieslou, for a PelLevivania Shod of Manuf traGe Cory Kof. r.uCes req plate dres- A ACTORY, hi MEDICAL. DU 12 A Unto All Cired. 1.

'The best of Clairvman. and uesliaz mediu as con D. cted with to Ru eXperieuceiu 0.101 8.1 Foadle ulseases, a cure to the lieut, Dr Ira remedy sud Fruit BaLL is une qualed 91 CANahY STOLEN usta slit a alol 8 Co, Wu from :9 audiort morniug Ju', Sub. A rat re vard will De fur It ur briald gage wo above Our jy a Juue, the vas of warred: BOUT THE l6th OF viDe, a Day Oree Cat. medium gizeo place mane, tall and leg-, 4 Dears old Any one Auding said colt.

or giving in 0. ation to Chas D. bieDup 137 Superior etreen ur .0 A. Larve, au War will berewardeu. tr THE 30th A SMALL b.ack this Tue A will be liD rewarded by leaving it at No.

383 Proepect Bireet, 6-1 FOUND bald A vu Superior GOLD street. RING- be C.a have the by ca liug at this proving perty and paying for ibis advertisem*nt. Jy1 -ON SATURDAY MORNING, Jane 27tb, a swoll package, containing Gloves, and pair of Kar Kiuge. Loever taem will De liDerally rewarued by liv. ring tuem ac the probate vitice jani9f WANTED TO BUY.

old Golu mud Sliver CA ONES, CHAINS, value given at DA VIs' aud Superior streets 110 War tell House my 2 3m SE RENT--STORE Geo NO. 107 WATER rircel, co. Esquire at HARP M3 LUNE'S, NUS. 2 ale 1 buchd a jy7 E- APRIL lot, toe desirable location in Clevelauu, corner Ontario and Michigan street. Large and suitable tor any bustuess.

luquire of DAVIS HUNT Next avory, ur of J. 5 Mallory, at E. Bald win FOR 8 a SALE- comple CHEAP Let or ANDON wi bunches Cal vu or adoress J. R. 49 Bolivar 1,70 FOR alro bull'e BUGGY AUu Catter wi pole; all in a ood cou ition.

Call betweel 12 and 1 0'ci a 2.4 Luke street, where the picperty can be secu Tif On LE-1 WO HORSEY AND vue coal Wagon. apply 81. lub Bar bar avenueur 41 Vega avenue. FLANNEnY JOY NaW THREE STORY Bri V. I g.ud locae Ou.

Enquire of clI S. MabLJ d. 61. Micnig street. jy4tt FOR SALE- -HOUSE ut AND LOT $2..0 ON Fire bouta aaa lot on Pelton avenu6 A bou tut 4 feet front o.

Curt an it at $3,000 place on Detroit street 1,500 A ud tusiner: place on beucca a reet, with long jand leu to be avid. WaN at reasonable rates on frat mortgage. Apply to WM. J. NICHOLSON, Collector, Conveyancer and Nota Public, Jy1-tr 10 In 3 PelT ICE raid FOIL vus of for 0 at Mall Vuio.

Enqu re of M. PIN.Us, Paine, lute, bio juN 01 OH SALE--TINWARE MANUFACF darli wagold, oue eave trougo wagon. Mi. sell the wi'h of stove elore houses, barI and dwelling boure at a barga'D. At drue8 Sayin 1 v.

Mich j.n '2-1m LUIS-A CHANCE tor only down; balance ong time. G. CROW CO 121 Superior trep 1 OBAD IRON Colomur at M. BALLE CO '8. 147 water at out MONEY 10 LOAN.

MONEY to U. I $1 AINES, 500. 149 more $800, oar al es a de et Ta 000 ON REAL ESTATR pec irity Mi. NudLo 150 rior tr et. Jy' MONEY! all artic e8 of Value Also buy and pay the bixneet pricea or Watches, Chains, Diamonds and Jewelry of kinds.

A large lot of onredeemed 20 de Now sale at at E. OAN O- FICE. 149 cor. of Ontar 0 and Michigan streets, op -tairs Catahli bed in 1850 ONEY LOAN ON Established 1851. Drafte on all the principal cities of Enrore.

at lowest Paspage Agout for all Liverpool. Glasgow. Bremen and Hamburg Steumatipe, Canard, Inman A bite Star. National, Anchor, North mAn Lloyd, Hamburg. Stettin, Bremen, kailroad sending Tickets for to their and from friends in New the Country can Ticseta at reduced r' Plane can be seen, Berths pecored and all information riven by J.

C. WAGNER BRO, and 180 Honopor At Over Pater' the Clothier FURNITURE. WE Aro Retailing all kinds of COMMON FURNITURE At tho Lowest WHOLESALE PRICES! You can save Money by Buying of Us. A. S.



The Wheat market le firm 'r. with an advence in ice on No. 1 red winter: held at $1 2201 23, No. 2 do. is steady, with a sue of 0 cars at 001n and Oats are steady and unchanged in price.

The following are the receipt of Grain from all sources for the dates named: Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley bush. bush. bush. bush. busb 3.150 7 0 7.800 15) 200 PLAIN DEALER OFFICE OLETELAND.

Tuesday Noon. July 7 The weather is eo bot that it is ciMcult for the reporter to any change (excep: for lager) a the general artic'es of produce. There is a far do. mand for Eggs and Tr.ces are bigber, come fal bing made at 18c. No change in the price of But ter bat a good demand for old at for table tatoes are moving off freely.

both new and old. Flour is very irregular in price. holders feeling deposed to make sales. The following are the wholesale selling prices. carefully revised and corrected each day.

The re ports of the sales of grain always indicate the price rom store unless otherwiee designated: FLOUR--bull and lower. We quote as follows: Akron City $8.25 City made XXX 80. do. XXX White and 7.25 do. XXX No.

1 Red. 8.75 do. XX No. 01 6.21 Country made XX $6 506710 do. XX Red and 6.0006 6) do.

4 00465 00 do. 5.750 6 15 MILL FEED- at £15,00 for F18, for coarse Middlings; $20,00 for second tine: 122.0 'or dne. WHEAT -Market Armer; neld at $1,22 for No 1 red winter: No. at No. 3 do.

$1,1101 12 No. 1 Wisconsin spring at $1,15. CORN irregular: tow mired, held at 70 409 Dian mixed at 710. ear on track 67C. OATS--Market steady: No.

1 State and Western veld at 51c: No. 2 81 52c: white at 55c. Li.ber; Heavy Mess $18.50: Short Mess $18,50: Extra Clear £19.60: Extra Suort Clear LARD--Market firm: City rendered in tierce in kegs 12c: country renderea SMOKED MEATS -Higher Hame, sugar cured, aDva dud 14c. uncanvas ed 18c. canva 8d Bacon, 11c, at Driva Beef, sugar coleo.

(an varsed DuCal Va 818 1 16c. Beef Tongaca £6.00. Country cared NOR: in marset. BEEF mess 618 IN bbl. BUTTER- armer for choice table butter; creamery 3 124c.

extra choice Western in lois :0 second grade coon EGGS- Market firmer; held 10017c for fresh barre and crates CHEESE dull: held at for fair to chuice 1L Jot-: 1u a retail way higher POTATOES -Marke Blt straigot lots of PeachbuWe held at bastiel 1n otber varieties 81.35. New Potatoes 65 75 0 06.00 8 obJ. UNIONS--New Bermudas are offered at $2,400 2.60 Southern $5.00 bbl POULTRY--MarKet Chickene. live weight id. uve 1400 16c.

Docke. live weight 13c: 11-e 70084 pier; Spring Caickens $9 00003.25 dozen. PETROLEUM- eat. we quote diandaro bite in car lour at 10c: Ohio State oil, test 13c. Small lots 142c higher SAL P- Onon $1,50 9 bbl: Saginaw, $1,55 101 Ground Solar, 480 IP.

$1.8502,50: Dairy, $2. 4 002.30; balf bble. $1,25: do, 28 10 to $3,10 08.25• do 60 5 MAZE. $8.75. 56 De Back, 6.66 HAY--An advan ing marsei: choice ba.ed, 0024 wu TOL 10 car lots: $25,00 0 0.

26 00 in a way: Prairie bay $18,00019.00. do from 3 ore $20,0 Straw. CAr 10L8, $14,00 in for data ana wheat. $15 00 a retail way. Cleveland Grocery FOG LAS White German white and Forest City (pressed 6,00 Bell's 6.50 Oakler's 1.50 Eureka 5,50 7,60 Babbitt' New York City dor Market.

The following are the wholesale prices to build. ers, ROUGH. First Clear, 1 149 00 2. First Clear. Second Clear.

1 .46.00 Becood Clear, 47,00 Third Clear, 1 87,00 Third Clear, 41,00 dux, 1 80,00 Box, 81 00 Strips, 1st, 2d and 3d $0.00 26,00 16,00 No. 1 Barn Boards, 12 21,00 No. 2 17 Solect Common, 1 9,00 plauk wu Common, inch and 18,00 1,0001:0.00 Joist, Scantling and Timber, 18 feet And under. 16 00 Joist Scantling and Timber, 22 feet and over, price same as length. DRESSED.

Flooring, lat, 2d and 3. $45.00 Common, 900 narrow 80.00 21 qu 4 00 Siding (half inch), 30,00 44 24,00 SHINGLES, LATH AND POSTS XXX 18 Inch No 1 or Clear Batt $,50 No. 2 2 54) A 1, 16 INCL 3,75 No. 1 2.56 2:0 Coder Posts.

COOPERS' STUFF. 21m slaves, 3 $8.500 7,00 Hard taves (oak, ask and maple), 7,00 Apple Barrel Staves, Hail 8.5007,0 Soft Heeding, 1 2, 00 Tard Apple Barrel Headings, 1,50 Cleveland Leather and Hide Markets Cruabed. Aranulated Extra 102 and Yollow. A IN O. in hbda.

d. CC I Porto Rico. rEAL toung Gunpowder :5 Japan Porto Dibc Now Orleans 00Y 00....... 24226c STANCE. Pearl, 9 White yc Silver CANDLES.

mite 1 Cassia. 36 Pepper 18020c Ginger Gloves 1 60 62c $1.40 DRIED FOREIGN FRUIT. Raisins box, $3,20 Valencia 14 Loose 4,00 Fine Currants, Figs, drum layer do 17018 oval do Franea Turkish, Dew 1321 Deland's Chemical, Gold 100 9 Cleveland Chemical, a Pyles' 0 American treen, trimmed, fall 80 treen, part 70.7 Grubby. price. .14016 Dry Baited 90 1 treen 03 Dry treen Baited Deacon 60 08 Pelts, 60075 Pelts, late 1,0 14 2 01 salted 35145 Sols, Dak Vinico Role A vi .31032 Tarnear )bio Ool: 9001.15 French Calf.

1.5901 50 asced Heevt Unnere $1001 Iron and Nau market. FLAT RAB IRON. to 4 to 1 inch 2 80 6 by to to 3 8 80 to 6. by 8 8 CO hv 8 10 by to HOPER maCE MOM. to 1K by -16 to 6 50 SHEET IRON.

No 10 No 15 No 21 No 25 to 14 to 20 to 24 and 26 No 21 Charcoal. P't cI'd8 3-00 8 5-00 8 7-00 8 9-00 106-0 1-0 Boil 3 00 5 5-00 5 700 5 0 1-0 9 8-00 10 0-90 10 9-00 10 4-00 All sheets over 48 inch wide, per extra. 30 up to 3 80 and 3 9: and 4.80 and 4 54 0 .7.0 Canned. Canned 8 cans, $3 40 dOx; to do. $2,40.

Tomatoes, 3 Cane $2.50 10 do $3,01. Pine Apple, 2 cane doz. Strawberries, 2 to cans COvE OYSTERS-2 cans CAPI $1,40. CORN- -Yarmouth, 9 cane, $3,25. Sardines--Halves 40c; (bonelees) 50c: quarters 25c.

Perrin'e, quarta, $14,00 pints balf-pinte $4,50. Hallford aceDinte $4,25 balf-pinta $2,75. PICKLES--Croas Blackwell's gherkins, quart: $7,75 pinto $4,75. Mixed $7,35. pints $4,25.

Gallons mixed chow chow $2, CC SALAD 4. Black we'l's. quarts $11,00 pinta $8.50 pinto $4.50 Cleveland Maries. 18 White Fish, half 6,5 3.87 kitts, 40 6 00 Trout, bait bbl. 5.7° Pickerel bait bbl 4.25 0 do do No.

$1.75 4 00 Salt Water 13,00 Mackerel, No 1 euore, bali 10.00 No. No. 2 new 7,50 Kitta, No family, 1 No 2 No 3 Mackerel, No. bay. 2...

half 940 Extra, No. Mess. Scaled Herrings. No. gia's of July tail.

miles tail he than vions tail, of the this in 2, be will call 14th Dave at will the liant with this very orbit 10D, us the the aas end die Cleveland Oval wrkets WHOLESALE PRIORS, Briar $4 E0 Villow 90 8,90 Nover 3 90 3 00 Crawford' China 3 90 Oleyeinne Wool Market, We quote as follows: Kediam to fine Clothing 40 Long Polled -it 400450 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPA. Live Stock Markets. NEW YORK. Ju'y light and ma-zet ruled di'land cored weik at ah at tue qautations of Fr day. or a reaucti of nasteers anged 2c: fair to choice sales or Illinois steere, cwt averave, at cwt .0 11c: 7 cwt do Sheep ard Lamb3-Sheep aphide Armer and xc wi a fair Pales at 44 easier and lower st 70010c: eules of 0 10 H8 the average, 114 0 do a bc.

84 to do at 91 do 55. c. 75 tbe do at Kentucky 62 B. c. Canada do, To a.

at 9c. Swine -None ofered alive; dresad Arm at CHICAGO, Ja'y6 day the live stock freigh's C' icago and the Eastern marke's wer a savar 10 the 10 lo-ing rates: To New York :0: 100 Da: to a. 50c: to Fast iberts, -fc. doll and nominady lower: common 10 extra ebippi 50 Market anected and old: Arm a few sales were re; orted at 70 for poor to med $5 00 'or I choice. Fh-ep-Prices entirely arminal at $2.0 12 1: 0 for poor to choice.

FT LIBARTY, PA, Jaly 6 -Hogs--Philadelphia $5,800 6,5 Yorkers $6 0 KG 6 20 PRODUCE NEW POTATOES, NEW ONIONS! Canned Fruits, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY, AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. D. MARTIN ME- WIN CLEVER AND. RIO. Cleveland Linseed OIl Works.

Have a large lot of Gunney and Other Bags, For sale at 17 to 25 centa feb19 DUNHAM. Gardner, Burt Clark, Office and Warchouse, 197 Merrin. Stay Proprietors of Union Railway. ship and Canal Elevators, Capacity 250,000 Prodace Commission cale of all kinds of Country Produce. Agents for the asic of Sala Water Lime, White Lime, Land Plaster.

etc. Shippers of all sinde of Ucary Preighta by Steam CLEVELAND, ONIO. Properiy received by Rail, and Lake, for sale on bipment Give pereonal attention the sale and purchase of Produce and Merchandise on commission. Liberal advances made OD CODsinment. Refer to Banke, Bankere and zen generally.

my19 OTIS St YORK, Produce Commission Merchants! Meaginaw Agouts AND DEALERS IN Plastor, Louisville and Akron Cement Also, Proprictor ELEVATOR AND WAREHOUSES Nos. 5, PLand 7 East River Street, CLEVELAND, ONIO. Grain received from Mailroads, Lake and for agle or shipment, making liberal advances eamo when derired. Con guments and orders policited. P.

Or 8 B. H. YORK. SCHOOL HATS! FOR Missos and Children WHITE, BROWN, BLACK, AND BLACK AND WHITE, Only 50c. Only 50c.

Each, Each, Each. Popular Millinery Store. SLOSS 235 SUPERIOR STREET. my 15 CARPETS, dC. CARPETS.


WEHAVERROFIVEDPER STEAMKK GHEKOK, A CHOICE INVOICE OF. JOIN EDWARD'S SEMI-PORCELAIN WARD To which the attention of our patrons fally solicited. Bowman Bros. Levan, 120 SUPERIOR ST. jan11 SUMMER RENOVO HOTEL, A delight Eri R.

Also Joratedon the -at al and healthy resort on the Philadelphia the riv.r. surrounded by branch intifal scenery with Ane trouting be ms in the vicinity. will be op 'n for hoarders atre Jane 220 accommodati fi st- and barges reasonable. Train 'eaves v. Cleveland The at rou'e 7.30 8 10 Re- u.

arriving at Ren vo at 850 m. novo is of the most attractive and picturesque 80" mer trip- tbar cin be erjoyed. For rooms and rat- a app'y to R. TAYLOR. Proprietor.

novo. Clint a County. F'a Thomson House, AT KINE, R. eitasto1 on ummer the On the Philade'pbia will opeu for veg Clevelard at 7.80 Jano 22 7. Tra'd 4.

30. at Kate at 4.00 p. m. For rooms and rates apply to TAYLOR, Kane, McKean Coanty, Ha. to Cenal.


The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.