The Marion Star from Marion, Ohio (2024)

per 3:00 2:45 8:00 9:00 or a of THE STAR, LAMMAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1837 PAGE FIVE RISING RELIEF COST INDICATED Director F. S. Burns County Estimates $10,000 a Month Needed for Six Months. County Relief! Director Frank S. today estimated it will reBurns quire $10,000 a month for the last this year for direct relief half result of normal loss of seaas a sonal cent employment reduction in WPA rolls.

and the current 20 He said he is prepared to submit such budget to the state legislature when it convenes shortly if he requested to do so. da His statement followed news reports from Columbus of a meeting of municipalities of 5,000 populamore to be held there ton Tuesday in an effort to obtain statewide estimate of relief needs a for the last half of 1937 to present to the general assembly. Marion county now is spending 3.000 a month on approximately 200 the lowest since the worst cases, of the depression in 1935. Commissioners have authorized Mr. Burns to spend limited only, amount and have thaype of cases to families es having no able bodied, employable men.

said he is watching with inHe terest any indications of what the legislature might do toward reestablishing the relief system which collapsed staten 15. He said Marion county will be to absorb all the seasonal unable lay-offs from private industry and WPA1 dismissals with its presthe $3,000 a month direct relief ent revenue. conditions change the Unless before Oct. 1, there will be county suffering from lack of food actual fuel by many families, he said. and Spending, faces nothing the now prospect for fuel, of the the large coal 1 costs beginning in Octoand running for six months.

ber accounts for one-third of the Fuel relief costs in the six cold months, Burns said. BOOK IS REVIEWED BY MRS. BEERBOWER Mrs. C. R.

Beerbower reviewed chapters from "Revelations" two meeting of the Emma Berger Bible class of Calvary Evangelical Sunday school, Thursday night at the Ed. Tittlebaugh Cleveland avenue. Mrs. Clara 03 Stull and Miss Eva Berringer conducted the devotionals and readings were given by Jackie Lill. The following committee was charge of the social hour: Mrs.

McKee, chairman, Mrs. Tittlebaugh, Mrs. Charles Sutherland, Mrs. E. A.

Alline, Mrs. Simon Harruff and Mrs. Grace Cyders. SEASON CLOSED BY EPWORTH AID NO. Mre.

Ida Longshore of East Mark street was hostess to 22 members of Circle No, 12 of the Ladies' Aid of Epworth M. E. church Thursday at her home. Six guests were present: Mrs. Eugene Lawrence, Mrs.

George Bailey, Mrs. Frances Young, Miss Martha Laucher and Miss Christina Geran. Following the luncheon served by the hostess, the regular meeting WAS opened with devotionals led by Mrs. Longshore, Dr. E.

T. Waring offered prayer. Yesterday's meeting is the last until Sept. 16 when the circle will be guests of Mrs. Ezra Smeltzer of Bellevue avenue.

Officers for the coming year will be installed then, Rural Church Programs Claridon M. B. P. Angle, pastor. 9:45 a.

10:45 school. Warten Adams, superintendent. Morral M. -Rev. W.

H. Kiser. pastor. 9:30 Morral, superintendent. a.

school. W. W. 8:00 10:30 a. service.

p. m. Thursday, prayer C. Salem Evangelical, Beech Rev. A.

9:00 Ramey, pastor. a. school. Omer Klinefelter, 10:30 superintendent. by Rev.

Dean Vermillion. 8:00 8:00 p. p. day program. midweek service.

98. st. Paul's Lutheran Church-Rt. Rev. F.

M. Koepplin. pastor. a. school.

10.00 Trinity R. "Mercy." of Pleasant school. Rev. F. Koepp- -South Lutheran lin.

pastor. No services. Zion M. E. Church Richland pike.

19:00 Rev. Henry Maag, pastor. Bethlehem M. E. Rev.

Henry school. pastor. 10:00 9:00 a. a. school.

pastor. Mt. Pleasant Rev. Paul Jewell, 10:00 a. school.

Mary Greenawalt, a. superintendent. 1:00 8:00 ado m. m. Thursday, Endeavor.

prayer meeting. St. Joseph Evangelical and Repastor, formed, Waldo Rev. A. H.

Blum, a. school, Robert Forte, 10:45 superintendent. tism. Communion and bapSt. John Evangelical and Reformed, Richland township- Rev.

9:80 Blum, a. pastor. 19:30 a. school, Harry Ruth, Salem superintendent, of God -West of Marion, 9:45 DeCliff Helen Schlecht, superintendent. Mrs.

pastor. Norton M. Winner, 10:00 Stevens, a. school. George 11:00 a.

superintendent. 9:30 Espyville a Community Church Brown. school. Robert 10:30 superintendent. O.

Ashley m. Holiness -Preaching. N. Stucky, 2:00 pastor. p.

p. school. 7:309 Richwood m. Salvation -Evangelistic service, tain 2:00 Rothwell Stickley. $:00 p.

school. conducted by Captain Stickley service fisted by Preston Cleveland Program Rained Out, So Girls Improve Camp Site Rain had its way yesterday and, today with any formal program of activities at the Abigail Harding Lewis Girl Scout camp in Vernon Heights, but it couldn't dampen the enthusiasm of some of the campers. The tennis court on the site was formidable sight when camp opened Tuesday. Foot-high weeds clogged every inch of the area which was last year's court. Yesterday, when the regular camp program was shelved because of rain, Miss Emily Wolfel and group of younger girls treked to camp and pulled weeds.

Late yesterday afternoon the court was a fairly presentable space which, as 5000 As the ground is rolled, will do adequately for the The Hopi the ingenious campers' tennis, matches. group responsible for the "Hopi Eat" outdoor kitchen- -failed to be daunted by yesterday's showers, and turned out almost enmasse to build a tepee. The canvas and oilcloth wigwam withstood a heavy shower late in the afternoon and appeared to be sturdy enough to do credit to the Hopis for the remainder of the camp period. Miss Marguerite Hill, camp di- FOREIGN MISSION SOCIETY ELECTS Miss Frieda Wanner Named President of Group, Officers of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Frospect Street M. E.

church were elected at a meeting last night at the church. Those elected are Miss Frieda Wanner, president; Miss Lena Chai fant, first vice president; Mra. Fred P. Haas, second vice president: Mrs. Nettie Hecker, secretary; Mrs.

R. F. Hecker, corresponding secretary; Miss Eisie Hecker, treasurer; Mrs. Henry Maag, extension secretary; Mics Amanda Haberman, mite box secretary; Mrs Caroline Shambaugh, stewardship secretary; Miss Minnie Wanner, councillor for Standard Bearers; Miss Tropf, supervisor King's Heralds; Mrs. John Reidenbaugh, supervisor for Little Light Bearers; Mrs.

George Bechtle, pianist; Miss Minnie Wanner, assistant pianist. Miss Chalfant gave a reading, "The Place Where the Young Child Lay." The meeting opened with devotions by Mrs. Sham. baugh. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs.

Elizabeth Chalfant, Miss Chalfant and Haberman. Annual mite box opening services will be conducted at the next meeting July 15. AUTO STRIKES BOY RIDING TRICYCLE Charles Severns, seven-year-old of Mr. Mrs. Malcolm W.

Severns of 381 Fahey street, escaped. knocked injury when down he by was an st struck automobile while riding a tricycle near his home yesterday afternoon about 3:45 o'clock, according to a police report. The boy was riding north on Fahey street and was struck at an alley intersection north of Silver street. Police did not learn the name of the driver of the automobile. Espyville News ESPYVILLE Miss Sarah Mae Schlecht of near Agosta spent Wednesday and Thursday at Oxford, 0.

Mrs. Cora Brown, Margaret and Robert Brown and Miss Norma Finch of Marion and Mr. and Mrs. George Toby spent Sunday the home of Charles Tobey in Findlay. Mrs.

Delila Dutton and Mrs. Donald Johnson attended the funeral Tuesday of Thurman Merphy of Richwood. Mr. and Mrs. H.

Ansley, spent the week-end with Mrs. Henry Ansley of Ridgeway. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo May and family of Marion and Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Boblenz spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boblenz. Mr.

and Mrs. Chester, Noblet of Marion and Mr. Mrs. Oliver Daniels spent Sunday with Ed Endsley of Mt. Victory.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fritz, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bombargar, Mrs.

E. Hecker and grandson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Key of Marion. Mr.

and Mra. George Seymour and son Carl, Mr. -and Mrs. Paul Seymour of Circleville, Mr. and Mrs.

William Smith and son Paul of near Meeker were visitors Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jenner. Mrs. Lloyd and daughter of Huntington, Mrs.

C. J. Smith and Arthur Smith spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. William McElhaney of Marion. Mrs.

Helen Schlecht of near Agosta spent Thursday at the C. J. Smith home. The Espyville Aid society met Wednesday with Mre. Charles and Russel Cottrell of Marion.

The next meeting will be July 14 with Mrs. Howard Smith. Mrs. Clarence Dutton, Mrs. Pearl McDonald, Marion and Mrs.

spent Dorothy Monday eve- Maning with Mrs. Don Johnson. Mr. and Mre. Ais Brown and daughter Margaret and Garnet Moore of Marion spent Wednesday evening with Mr.

and Mrs. George Tobey. WRONG CUSTOMER By Associated Press NEW YORK. June 18 "Want to buy a blanket cheap?" John Stillato, 51, homeless, asked Thomas T. Mason in downtown Manhattan.

"Come along." replied Mason. detective of the safe and loft squad. "The last time I saw it before was in my car around the corner." In Essex market court, Stillato said: "I must have made mistake." BUDGE DOWNS NET FOE LONDON, June 18 Don Budge, America's top ranking tennis star. swept into the fine' round of the Queen's club tournatoday with an easy 6-2, 60 victory over Fumitera Nakazo, Japanese Davis cup rector, said today that the regular camp periods will be resumed next Tuesday at 9 a. it doesn't rain.

While activities under the direction of Miss Hill and her assistant, Miss Jean Witt, will be suspended until Tuesday, girls undoubtedly will be at camp for the time every day, having the fun of making the camp ship shape for next week's period, those in charge said today. FRANCES M. TAYLOR OF MARION STRICKEN Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert L.

Taylor Dies at City Hospital. Miss Frances Mae Taylor, 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert L. Taylor of 479 McKinley street, died today at 1 p.

m. in the City hospital where she had been under. going treatment since May 28, Miss Taylor leaves besides her parents a brother Carl and two sisters, Phyllis and Betty, all at home. The body was taken to the W. C.

Boyd funeral home on West Columbia street pending completion of funeral arrangements. PROGRAM PRESENTED AT CLASS MEETING A program was presented at a meeting of the Loyal Workers class of the First United Brethren Sunday school Thursday night at the community house. Mrs. Daisy Hollenbaugh conducted the devotionals and prayer was offered by Miss Katie Cromer. Readings were given by Della Heaton and Mra Anna Berry, and Misses Lulu and Katie Cromer entertained with piano duet.

A guitar duet was contributed by Mrs. Florence Uline and Mrs. Dorothy Burkepile. Con tests were won by Mrs. C.

V. Roop, Mrs. Burkepile and Miss Henrietta Gast. Guests included Misses Gladys and Hazel Hazlett, Mr. M.

E. Sowle, Mrs. W. H. Denzer Mrs.

C. C. Rhodes, Mrs. Eva Gor. enflo, Miss Marlene Clark, Mine Gast and Mrs.

Burkepile, Hostesses were Miss Faye Mackey, Mrs Mamie Holderness, Mrs. Dora Roberts, Mrs. O. D. Rider and Mrs.

Alice Smith. COMMITTEE STUDIES HOBBY SHOW PLANS Date to Be Set for Annual Event At Wednesday Meeting. The Marion Hobby club's fourth annual Hobby and Homecoming week was discussed at a called meeting of committee members last night at the Y. M. C.

A. Chairman Paul V. Reynolds called the meeting to have a report ready for a meeting of the club next Wednesday night, and to start committees at work toward making the week the biggest in the club's history. Members of the committee are Roy Gottschall, Terry, Conner, R. 0.

Tim Fahey, Earl N. Hale and Arden J. Millisor, president of the Hobby club, A report the committee's work last night will be made at the club meeting next week and at the same meeting committeas will be assigned, a week for the event will be set and other preliminary details will be settled. SEASON ENDS FOR INASMUCH CIRCLE Mrs. George Smith of 464 Delaware avenue was hostess when the Inasmuch circle of the King's Daughters closed the season with a picnic Thursday night.

A cafeteria supper was served, a decorative feature being a lighted wedding cake which was presented Mrs. Fred Leary of Findlay, recent bride, formerly, Miss Leona Bailey a of this Guests included Mrs. Fred Peters of Dayton, Mrs, D. K. Drake of LaRue, Mrs.

Leary, Mrs. Alice Dundore, Nannette and Angie Millisor. A report of the treasurer, Mrs. V. Perle Craig, showed that between $500 and $600 had been disbursed by the circle during the year, Assisting as a hostess committee were Mrs.

Millard Hunt, Mrs. Frank M. Knapp, Mrs. 0. E.

Hamilton and Mrs. Charles Hughes. CATHOLIC LADIES NAME DELEGATES Mrs. Herman Feidner Sr. and Mrs.

Austin Fetter were elected delegates to a triennial genera. convention of the Catholic Ladies of Columbia starting Aug. 24 in Springfield, when Marion Council No. 38 met Wednesday night at St. Mary Parochial school.

Mrs. Ellen Coulter and Mrs. Paul Lea ser were elected alternates. Ar rangements were completed for thembenuion picnic July 7 for at juvenile Garfieid park. The next meeting will D6 held on July 21.

BINDER TWINE Strictly First Quality! American Made! 39 per bale O. CRAWBAUGH HARDWARE 113 N. Main 84. BIBLE SCHOOL GRADUATES 96 Boys and Girls To Get Diplomas Tonight at St. Paul's Church.

Ninety six boys and girls will recelve diplomas at the commencement exercises of the St. Paul's English Lutheran church Daily Vacation Bible school tonight at 1:30 at the church. The diplomas, which will be presented by Rev. E. A.

Lehman, pastor, will have a picture of Christ in the temple. Primary and junior department pupils will present a program of recitations, songs, and handicraft. The primary program will be follows: Prayer of Clarice Hawk: Missionary Prayer," Carol Darling; "The Thanksgiving Prayer," Jean Layman; "The Everyday Prayer," Robert Lee: Table Prayer, Billie MeJunkin; "The Offering Prayer," Billy Travers: Bible verses, Ora Roush, Roger Hart and Jane Lindenberg. Handicraft exhibits will be a display of aprons by four girls with explanatory remarks by Sarah Berry, A handmade fan by Jean Layman, a basket by Billie Sontag, picture frame by Billie Smeltzer prayer book by Jane Lindenberg, The junior department program will open with an explanation of hero by Ann Elizabeth Retter, man and will continue as follows: "Jesus, the Hero," Eva Hines: "Paul, the Arline Waters; "Peter. the Joan Waters: "Luke, the Hero," Betty Layman; "Esther, the Heroine." Martha Eke; "Stephan, the Hero," Jean Bachelder; "Moses, the Hero," Jack Darling.

Junior handicraft will Include sewing boards by Celestia Smith and Betty Lou Sontag, a beaded ring by Harry Maish, a match box by James Lee, a turtle and a frog made from old automobile tire innertubes, by Bobby Maynard and Noel Corwin, a what-not by Donald Caldwell, beaded bracelet by Ethel Taylor, a pin cushion doll by Miriam Miller, fly swatter Bobby Taylor and A cross by George Moore. The primary children will sing "Mrs. Feathers," and the Junior boys and girls sing "Little Words Have Wings." Mrs. Lehman will be in charge of the primary children. TRINITY BAPTIST MEN HOLD ELECTION A.

A. Van Atta was reelected president of the Trinity Baptist church Brotherhood at the annual meeting last night at the home of W. R. Roberta of the Patton road. Approximately 50 members were present.

Other officers elected are Gorman, vice president; Harry Woodall, secretary; Ray Hemmerly, treasurer; H. C. Stury, assistant treasurer. The business session and program were preceded by a steak roast. Clyde Keeler, member of the Harvard university faculty who is visiting his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. A. S. Keeler of St. James street, was the guest speaker.

Mr. Keeler has traveled abroad, and in his talk last night he discussed his travels in China and Japan. In the business session annual reporta were made by officers and Mr. Van Atta gave a talk on prospects for the coming year. Mr.

Gorman led in singing and devotions. The July meeting will be held at the church. FLAG DAY PROGRAM GIVEN BY ELKS A patriotic address by Gene Hill of 340 Hane avenue and a flag and color drill by Boy Scout Troop No. 1 were features of a flag day program last night at a meeting of Marion lodge No. 32, B.

Elks One application was voted on in a business session. The next meeting will be held June 24. RUTH BOWEN NEW CLASS PRESIDENT Ruth Bowen was elected secre tary of the Busy Bee class of the Oakland Evangelical Sunday achoo Thursday night at the home of the teacher Mrs. Fred Buckley on the Prospect pike. Contest awards were won by Avinell Bailey and Doris Norton.

Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by her daughter, Martha. Guests were Anna Mae Saien and Martha Buckley, Sturdily Constructed Lawn Seats Beach Chairs 97c CAMP With Back CHAIR Deck Square Chairs Style 97c Van atta 101. W. 35 NAMES CALLED IN TRAFFIC COURT Twenty motorists cited in the city for minor traffic violatione were presented in traffic court this morning and after entering pleas of guilty were given fines ranging from $1 to $5. The 15 drivers who did not appear will be notified to appear in court and if they do not heed the first warning they will be sun moned by police, municipal court officials said today.

Of the 58 names listed on the traffic docket last week, 21 paid fines, 10 were excused and seven were ordered to appear later. MARION GROUP AT CHURCH MEETING Mra 6. L. Surface of Marion avenue, president of the Marion presbyterial, and Miss Anna Den nig of Bellefontaine avenue, pres byterial treasurer, left at noon to day for the annual Ohio synod and synodical meeting at Wooster, 0 Mrs. Surface, by virtue of her office as presbyterial president, is member of the executive committee and will attend a committee session tonight.

The meeting will continue through next Thursday, Rev. How ard L. Olewiler of the First Prep byterian church and Rev, J. A Carriker of the Forest Lawn church probably will attend some of the sessions CIO MEETING TO BE HELD SUNDAY A CIO organization meeting will be held Sunday at 1 p. m.

in the Junior Order hall on Cetter street, Ralph Marcus CinWest, cinnati, CIO organizer, announced today, Speakers will be George DeNucci of Columbus, CIO field representative, and N. C. Butler of Portsmouth, field representative of the Steel Workers' Organizing Committee. Marcus said. Lester Tame of Marion is porary chairman of the Marion CIO organization Marcus will remain here for the organization drive and will make his headquarters at Hotel Marion.

NEW JERSEY MAN IS CARMEN SPEAKER Erie Lodge No. 1008, Brotherhood of Railroad Carmen of America, met last night in the Central Labor Union hall. Mr. Neerpass of Jersey City, N. J.

general chairman of the Carmen's union, gave Talks also were given by several of the members. SUSPENSION OF 2 FIREMEN ORDERED Failure To Pay Bills Cited as Reason for 29-Day Layoffs. Two eity firemen were BU pended for 29 days without pay, effective yesterday, in an order issued by John V. Ruth, service director, following conference with Fire Chief T. J.

McFarland. Suspension of the two firemen, E. D. Cook of 376 Reed avenue and Paul E. Sifritt of 340 Girard avenue.

was ordered, according to the service director's written com munication to Chief McFarland, "for the purpose of discipline. for the reason that the men had failed to pay their obligations" which it pointed out, "la contrary to the rules of the fire department." The attention of the men has been called to numerous obligations, which creditors had pointed out long overdue. Director Ruth said this morning in plaining the suspensiona, Both men had been warned previously about outstanding obligations which had not been taken care of, he said. The suspended firemen could not be reached today for a statement to whether they will fight the as suspension. CHRISTIAN CLASS IS ENTERTAINED Twenty members of the Brotherhood class of the Central Christian church met at the home of Law rence Sager at 668 Trey avenue night.

A motion picture on safety, furnished by the state highway department, and a talk on safety by J. B. Swain featured the Ing, A businese session was followed by refreshments, served! by Mrs. Sager, assisted by Mrs. E.

E. Harrod. The class will next meet on July 15, BLUM FIGHTS FOR FINANCIAL POWER PARIS, June 18 Premier Leon Blum announced today he would carry his fight for a virtual dimtatorship over French flacal atthe senate committee's opposition. Finance Minister Auriol notified Joseph Calliaux, head of the senate committee, that the government will demand passage of bill giving it control of financial affairs by decree in the same form in which it passed the lower house. MRS.

J. H. ANDREWS SOCIETY HOSTESS Mrs. Andrews of 444 East Center atreet was hostess to Cirele No. 6 of the Aid society of the First Presbyterian church Thursday, A covered dish dinner WAS served at noon Covera were laid for 17 at a long table laid in the dining room.

The affair also WAR A going away party for Mra. R. A. Garvin, president of the general aid society, who with Mr. vin will leave early next week for Chautauqua Lake, N.

Y. She was presented a gift. "African were given in response to roll call and the pros gram hour was devoted to a roundtable discussion on Negro." Mrs. L. J.

Black sang group of solos. Guests were Mra. Black. Mr. Faye Shackelford and Miss Nell Loveland The members will recons throughout the summer and meetings will be resumed Sept.

16 at the home of Mrs. E. I. Cowan on DeWolfe court. NAZIS NAB 500 MINISTERS By The Associated BERLIN, June 18 More than 500 pastora of the protestant Confeesional synod have been arrested under Nazi rule, Rev.

Martin Niemoeller, militant leader of Protestant opposition to government domInation of the church, charged today, BOND FIRM PAYS GALION FORGERIES Special to The Star GALION. June 18- The city har received complete settlement from the Mamachusetta Bonding InCo, funds handled by W. A. Trapp, former city auditor, ancording to announcement made Thursday by City Solicitor A. N.

Cox. The amount received was $3,012.50. loss of $1.012.50 established during Trapp's first teem, and 1, covered by his first bond, while the second bond et $2,000 was not enough to cover the lose Incurred during the second term. The shortage made Trapp's forgeries amounted te $3,875. HIT BY AUTOMOBILE William Herbert Rocker, 7, 400 of Mr.

and Mra. Raymond Rocker of 186 Hane avenue, was knocked down by an automobile at the intersection of Center and Charles streeta, Monday night about o'clock, 10. a report te police He was struck yesterday." by an automobile driven by Ches. tor Whitt of Columbus. The boy suffered a head bruise, police were told.

MINER LOST IN DESERT By The Associated Press NEEDLES. Calif, June 16- -Vanished into the desert, Ernest A. Morose, wealthy Michigan mining operator, was hunted by baffled sheriff's deputies today. I KLINE'S Shoe Repair Department Come in and take advantage of this money saving sale. SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY MEN'S WOMEN'S CHILDREN'S HALF SOLES For quality and service visit our Shoe Repair Department.

Our workmanship and materials are guaranteed to give long wear and perfect satisfaction. Genuine Worth 126 Children's CANNON COLORFUL TOWEL ANKLETS Kine's ENDS 54 PR. WHITE PASTEL WOMEN'S WHITE GLAMERAUX SATIN RINGLESS SICK GLOVES HANDBAGS SLIPS HOSE Worth 6ge; choice Special at Guaranteed 6 Months Full Fashioned 48: 59 98 39: Smartly trimmed and tailored White Tailored and embroidered 8 PAIRS FOR 05.00 styles of bengaline and nov. New Grained Slide Fastener Pouches, and styles; guaranteed to wash Perfect quality Sheer Chiffon elty fabrics. Novelty Envelope, styles in new shapes: and wear for six months.

Silk; newest shades. ANOTHER BIG FASHION HIT DRESSES Featuring Newest Fashion Successes Including New Sheers and Nets! The whole town about Dress mode Tallored do Sport Dresses Wu in Chiffon WOMEN'S Nets, Laces sad Mashable 11-17, 12-30 sad 38-12. JIGGER Croat Lane Desasso me and TOPPER COATS A a Nubby and Sheer and Fleeces MA A $298 NOVELTY SMART SUMMER Types, Boxy Swag. CURTAINS HATS Panel Yoke Back Jigger Coats, Types Colors and White and Swingy Strollers in White, Maize, Plak, Aqua, 77 Crepes and Novelty materials and MAI STEEN ADO.

The Marion Star from Marion, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.